Lesson in the Innova

Dec 20, 2010 23:27

Dunno about me, but the horse frigging loves it.

fuck. talk about uphill!

probably squealing in fear here.

first real ride back since start of november & i think he worked like a million fucking dollars. we focused on really getting him to seek the contact & riding long N lower. and he has NEVER warmed up like he did today.

so yeah...

1. straight into 10m circles & figure 8's at walk & get him reaching with inside leg (good in theory, not sure if i can tell so much whilst on board?)
2. LOTS of flexion. release with outside rein so as not to block him, lots of inside leg to get him really bent around it. give/release with inside rein to encourage him to seek the contact.
3. wide hands = low. this was great later on in the lesson at trot & canter when he was a bit LALALALALA. wide hands? straightaway much softer.
4. half halts. and then more half halts just by using my body. amazing!
5. has a lala? inside flexion, smaller circles. make it easy for him to get it right the first time (ie if we change rein) and ask with a small circle first, then yield out.

so yeah. carly LOVES this saddle, and beejay was very very happy in it too.

carly, saddles, riding, beejay

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