(no subject)

Apr 02, 2010 20:21

well, made a decision on the lease - going with the little teenager, Emily. She came out with her mum (Karen) and had a little ride around. He tried to get away with doing NOTHING so i showed her how to use a dressage whip to back up her leg. she figured that out very quickly & was even cantering around on him. she then asked if she could ride bareback (and has never ridden bareback before) and she was hooning around at a trot PERFECTLY. lovely light little rider, very soft hands, VERY balanced, obviously has really great technical background.

plus i get a bit emotional when it comes to teenagers & think most deserve a break (MOST, not all!). mum is really nice. i did have reservations that they may be feral & that parents would just drop the kid off & disappear, but she doesn't do that. so that's cool.

i chatted with both Paul & my karen about it to see how they felt about teenagers & paul was like, "meh, as long as there's no hassle". hopefully there won't be. i've gotta write up a lease agreement of some sort by sunday - does anyone have one they can link me to or something? a basic outline would be awesome.

and now the tough part - email (was going to call? idk) jenny & cathy, the other ladies & let them know i chose someone else. also, squidypoo said something interesting about how if jenny couldn't afford the lease cost there might be issues with payments etc. hadn't thought of that at ALL. plus, Emily & karen were not at all fussed about the money situation, so that's good.

adult riders tomorrow on mouse. rode her tonight & she's starting to come together a bit, but by GOD her canter is fucking hideous. like HIDEOUS. it's up and fucking down. worst canter i have EVER ridden (and i used to have a quarter horse so i think that's saying something). i actually thought my back was going to fucking give out at one stage.

then had the wise idea that i should prob lunge her at canter to help build up some muscles & balance. we'll see. can't wait to talk to jenny about her tomorrow & see what she says.

edit::: this post was quite educational when thinking about canter issues:

my concern here is that paul wants to sell this mare asap. i wish i had more time with her cos she's such a fast learner & she's so keen. meh, idk how people can flip project ponies!

taz, emily

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