(no subject)

Feb 20, 2010 07:50

a lot happening today.

1. gym in a few hours. dirty mofo.

2. moving taz today. WEEEEEEE. i'm so excited!

3. riding beejah in the arvo. also excited.

4. going to kirstie's tonight for home made pizza & champers & girl stuff. yay.


Rode beejay last night & although HE was awesome, i was a fucking lump. not sure what's going on but i've been SO tense & tight in my upper body in the last few weeks. only thing that's changed is going to the gym, so perhaps i'm using some muscles that i didn't use before or something. i talked to carly about it & i have to do shoulder rolls & stuff now.

i could also FEEL myself pinching with my fucking knees. no idea what that's about. i know i do tend to pinch & tip forward, i haven't felt so insecure in my leg for ages.
after a while i figured that it has something to do with my BOOTS.

i have 2 pairs of boots. one pair of zip ups for riding, one pull ones for mucking out & general boot wear, right.
so i was lazy & wore my pull ons, with my gaitors over the top. thing is, these pull ons are too big in the toe, so i felt like i had clown shoes on. then the gaitors pinch them in tight around the ankle & i just felt in general very... loose or something. idk.

anyway, wtf is all that about? like when i ride without my gaitors i feel HELLISHLY insecure as well. meh.

anywho, beejay is fucking MINT. man, i can't believe how good he's going. he had one little turbo charged shy but settled very well. we also did lots of cantering around. totally unproductive & not at all 'collected' or whatever, but FUN! he also threw in a flying change! yay! i have no idea how to ask for one properly - i just kind of checked him with the outside rein & was very obvious about asking with my outside leg & he did it. we WERE on a tight change of direction tho, so he probably just did it to keep his own balance. when i asked again later it wasn't happening. he did have some very nice simple changes tho with just a stride of trot. nice!

obviously flying changes are well above my current level of expertise (and need!) but i don't mind mucking about with it, lol.

omg so excited about taz! i spoke to both beejay & taz about the move. taz is pretty blah, but i had to go mad with reassuring beej that he's still my number one & my favourite & nothing taz does can knock him off that pedestal. he was VERY sooky & lala about it & showed his "meh-ness" by trying to give me wedgies & then chewing his leadrope, lol.

after keeping taz in a big paddock for so long, i wonder how he'll go in a little yard & 1/4acre turnout. have no idea even about how he'll eat or poo! i'm going to keep him mostly on hay & keep feeding him the small hardfeed he currently gets. idea is that he should still be cheap!

he does need his feet done tho, poor guy. i've neglected feet in favour of MASSIVE BITE WOUNDS.

eh, and realised yesterday that beej prob needs his 3 monthly dentist visit soon. yet another thing i can't afford.

as for affording tazzie at the expensive agistment (barn), once he's healed completely & i've had a chance to put some work into him (he's a bit sour at the moment & needs exercise!) i'm going to advertise him for Part Lease. i was thinking about $50/week for 4 days? i cover food/vet/farrier of course.

i think he'll make a perfect novice horse/trail riding/rider returning to horses after time off/husband's horse etc.
i started him yesterday on some driving game & he's very responsive. i think he'll make a great little 'parelli' horse too if someone was that interested in it. i'd obviously have to monitor that cos i don't want crazies making my horse silly. he's fine to ride out in the bush with just a halter & leadrope, so could be good for someone who's interested in playing around with that.
i'm excited about having an arena to use with him too. perhaps we can finally work on schooling, rather than just pottering about, lol! i've been very lazy with his training in the year i've had him.

here's some pics of his healing wounds. i'm so impressed by how fast they seem to have covered up. it's amazing!

The Big wound. there's a bit of proud flesh in there but the vet says that because of location i shouldn't be too worried about it. they can remove it tho if it proves to be a problem. we'll see. isn't it ironic? couldn't stitch this wound which was frigging 15cm deep due to location, BUT due to location proud flesh is not predicted to be a problem.

small wound.

the day after it happened, about 30th Jan.

i'm so amazed. i would cold hose it, then spray with cetrigen, then put some Jarrah honey in a big syringe (not as easy as it sounds) then 'inject' it directly into the hole (no needle, obviously). i started out trying to smear it with gauze, but that was just messy & wasteful.

i've never had a wound to treat that size before so i have no real comparison. but i am definitely impressed with the honey, that's for sure.

and just so i'm not always taking pictures of WOUNDS

pics, taz, riding, beejay

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