(no subject)

Jan 14, 2010 08:29

fuckkkk hot few days forecasted: http://www.bom.gov.au/weather/wa/forecasts/perth.shtml

and carly has CLEARLY lost her marbles because she wants to do a lesson today at 1.30pm. in 35deg heat.


and because i'm gagging for a lesson i'm going to do it... tho i did dream that i wussed out and cancelled, so we'll see.

have ridden beej every day since saturday, which is not bad going, i think! just taking it very easy & slowly. i've been riding him as if he were a totally new horse, which is a GREAT idea, psychologically! he had one little strung out la di da moment on tuesday but he coped... i got a tad worked up as well, so i have to remember not to resist when he does. two opposing forces will result in explosion - as i'm the human with the superior logic & opposable thumbs, *i* should be the one to give..

i also discovered that riding him in the eggbutt frenchlink with just a cavesson is a NO GO because he bears down on it like a freight train. put him in the loose ring french link with a flash & suddenly he's a different horse. i had been hoping to just switch him to the cavesson because i'd like to show him in that, but not if he's going to ride around like a ton of bricks. he's always been much happier in the loose ring tho, so i should have known he wouldn't go well in the eggbutt. funny isn't it, not much difference really in the bit itself (think the eggbutt is a bit fatter?) but loosering v eggbutt is clearly a difference.

i got to the horses early yesterday for a little ride & rather than going straight into the arena I mounted up near my tack shed & we rode up and down the driveway & around the property. he was NICE~! still very looky & concerned, but moving forward nicely on a relatively long (tho still connected!) rein. we went down the drive again & this time he got a bit -thoroughbredy- on the way back so we had to do a lot of half halting & waiting. at one stage we were halting & just waiting for him to relax. he objected highly to this & told me so by throwing his head around & wanting to back up into the fence. freak. once he stopped pansying about we walked forward. meh.

then a bath & a scrub & condition of his tail which smells divine!

put him away & then held beni for kelli's farrier, jeff. WHO IS AWESOMELY SEXY. omg. he's also an outstanding farrier. kelli pointed out on tuesday that beejay is getting flares in his offside hind, which is a fucking pain in the ass. all other hooves are even, just the one hoof. ergh. i'm torn about how to approach that with Phil. i think just a "i noticed he's getting flares in that hoof..." might be the best way. i am certainly not interested in changing farrier or anything dramatic tho.

anyway. after that i did the drive down to serpy to see BLITZY.

omg, i am all full up with the blitzy love. what a man.

chatted with sherree for a while & drooled over her two kittens. adorable. then drooled over her new arena, which looks fantastic & is surfaced by crushed brick. we also chatted about 'The Plan' for when he needs to be euthanised or if he passes away peacefully on his own. he's not in any sort of condition to be put down, but it's something to have a plan for, no less. he's 20 this year, so very young and hopefully he's still got many years left. hopefully enough so that when i buy my own property (one day!) he'll be around to put on it.

then off to see blitz down the back. He's STILL in the jenny craig paddock & gets fed NOTHING. called & whistled for him & he eventually noticed i was there & came cantering down to see me. still uneven in trot but no worse than when i retired him, which is good. haltered him up, then climbed up via the gate & went for a jaunt around the paddock.

GAWD it is so good riding that horse. it feels like coming home. he truly has a table top back & is sooo comfortable. he was very looky & wanting to sniff all the horse poo, but i LOVE that i can go a year then just jump on him with a halter & he'll happily canoodle around with me. last time i rode him was when i went out there with sprinklerized, chronicled here.

then he was thoroughly spoilt with a good brush & a lot of carrots & licorice. his brain fell out momentarily when a rooster appeared out of nowhere, but he survived... as always!

THEN i drove home via armadale & my friend jane's house. was good to chill out for a while with her as i haven't seen her in over a year!

anyways. after my lesson today i want to go to the beach & do some snorkelling. have to text jed etc when i arrive/depart just in case something happens to me!
then tomorrow i'm going to Wooldridges (awesome educational supplies store!) and then off to do mass shopping for camp next week. omfg, $600 worth of shopping is A LOT of food, i tell ya.

riding, beejay, blitzen

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