(no subject)

Jan 11, 2010 00:37

tomorrow i am going to lie in bed for as long as possible. then watch some Friends or something, then go to Midland to pick up my BOOTS from europa (and maybe put a half pad on layby or osmething?), then go to taz & give him a feed, then go to my stockfeeders to pick up hay & lucerne (alfalfa) for beejay, then off to see him & have a ride & probably do some much needed chores especially POO chores. ugh.

then home & rinse repeat. oh, perhaps yoga @ 10.30, if i'm up. i will probably be, but we'll see.

going to be a hot week from tuesday/wed but it's pretty cool right now. i'm not really doing anything productive and i am SUPER tired. been sporadically running the sprinklers & watering the garden but apart from that... nothing.

had siong over for dinner & i made curry. jed does not like my curry, which is unfortunate. i've been taught by a curry expert (my friend patrick, who is indian and therefore knows curries). jed thinks it needs bayleaves & cinnamon.

this is what i do: chop 3 onions & fry until clearish (not brown!) on a very slow heat with some oil.

blend with a bit of water to make a paste: 1tbs each - cumin, ground coriander & chili powder. 1tsp each- turmeric, ground garlic & ground ginger.

throw in with onion. add water.

add tomato paste. i usually do about 3-4tbs.

add 500gm diced chicken thigh & about the same in potato/sweet potato/pumpkin (all optional)

add more water as necessary. simmer till cooked.

very easy curry recipe but jed wants to get all fancy pants & add shit to it. meh.

i don't cook very often but i enjoy doing this because it's yummy, spicy & delicious. his job is to make the pappadums.

anyway, jed's all, "o i don't like chilli". WTF??? he's a pussy, that's what.

so last 2 curries i've made i've changed to 1 tsp of fricking chilli powder & added some garam masala instead. STILL to spicy.

i hope the boy isn't coming down with IBS or Crohns or something. that WOULD suck.
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