(no subject)

Dec 30, 2009 21:08

man, i scored today!

went to the horse shop sales & got TWO pairs of boots - one riding & one 'farm'/riding for $75. sure, they're both synthetic, but hey, i don't do turnout showing so who cares???

also picked up some bates leather creme ($17), some gloves ($19 - i wish wish wish i could get crochet/leather gloves but no one sells them or anything anymore... *cries*) & a set of BRIGHT PURPLE reins ($10). omg.

also got a wormer for $10 but that's not a fun purchase, haha.

boots were pressie from jed but i managed to spend more, but o well! it happens.

whilst in Horseland i did something i am a bit proud of. i heard the two sales ladies talking to a customer & they talked her into buying a mechanical hackamore. eh.

so i was looking at some stuff near the counter & happened to hear WHY she was buying a hackamore - cos the horse gets its tongue over the bit.

i had to step in with an "excuse me but are you talking about a horse that gets its tongue over the bit?"
"yes we are..."
"well i have a standy who gets his tongue over the bit badly. i found using a mullen Mouth combined with a hannoverian noseband really helps."

my god it was a revelation. i don't use a rubber one because i want to show my horse & rubber ones aren't 'usual'.

anyway. the woman ended up NOT buying the hackamore as she has a rubber mullen at home & is going to try that first. *phew*

i was very nervous & i HATE when people step in but jesus christ!!! the woman had no idea & i can't believe these women at the shop just went straight to the hackamore... and a mechanical hackamore has a lot more potential to cause damage than a rope halter or a dually...


then i went out to see taz & took him out on a ride for the first time since, oh november or something.
he was shocked and appalled, to say the least.

the other ladies i agist with are pissed cos he's started showing aggressive behaviour at food time. i was like, "dudes, carry a lunge whip!"

anyway. we rode out & he is so unhappy wearing a bridle. ugh! but if we don't use it he won't get used to it & will ride around like a donkey if i ever have to show him or go to pony club or whatever. so he has to tolerate it. he is significantly more responsive (not that he's difficult or at all tough to control when riding in a halter or the dually, but for a horse that has bit issues he has SURPRISINGLY good brakes and steering). we went on quite a little jaunt & he started out very spooky & looky but after a while was POWERING along. very pleased with him. he did at one stage get his tongue over the bit (haha, after i was just telling ppl that what i do WORKS) and i had to get off to poke it back in.


so wash down & dinner for tazzie then i drove home.
had a nap, started reading "The Lovely Bones" again so i can be refreshed for when i see the movie.

also did a tarot reading (for some reason the pack i've had for several years [nicked from my mum] were calling to me [or something equally wanky] last night & i have since done two readings.
one on buying a house & one on horses). very accurate! i don't know any of the cards by heart yet so have to keep referring to my little book, but that's okay, i'm learning.

THEN after my nap i drove out to beej via my feedstore. picked up chaff, pony cubes, minerals, soya meal & chaff.

then beej had a massage with kelli. she made me lunge beni whilst she started the massage. UGH lots and lots of driving from me to get ben moving, but at the same time he is super responsive. just had to point my 'guns' at him to get him to canter, then breathe out to get him to trot & walk.

beej is pretty sore in his offside neck & nearside hind quarters. very sore in the poll area & shows lots of tension. he's an idiot like that. she had spent an hour working on him & he got himself all tensed up when she was working on his poll & when she went back to his neck he was rock hard. we joked that he needs to smoke some weed man! just to CHILL THE FUCK OUT.

he was VERY shitty & kept trying to bite me & kelli, but he wasn't moving around too much which is good. seems the chiro did a good job cos he wasn't showing the horrendous pain response that he was last week in his hind quarters. poor guy.

took him for a walk afterwards to move the toxins & he was SOO shitty & wound up. haha. chucked him in the paddock whilst i picked poo & he had a lot of attitude there as well. he ended up rolling & i think that helped chill him out a bit. silly pony.

oh, and the saddle fitter called & arranged to come out next monday BUT i have tried to cancel cos i start my COOKING JOB next week & have to go shopping & stuff on monday.

she's a horse masseuse by day & saddle fitter by night kinda thing, so it sounds like she knows what she's talking about. she warned me that she takes AGES & likes to see her clients ride cos saddles can fit differently with a rider.
$85 for first saddle fit, then $65 for second. $35 for gullets (as i have wintecs) and then $20 for flocking. YIKES YIKES YIKES. i'm tempted to just get ONE saddle fitted but have to decide which one... should really bite the bullet and do both huh? (AP & dressage)

anyway. all that's blahhhhhh

NYE tomorrow. going to lunch with jed's mum & jed tomorrow at Little Creatures in Freo... then as for tomorrow night? no idea.
kelli's going to Perth Cup on NY day and i am JEALOUS. i fucking love that shit! but i don't really have the money to go... which is too bad cos the weather is going to be MINTOX for a day at the races!

perth cup is a fucking fantastic awesome day. i've been once & had the best ever time. usually tho the weather is a bit extreme on NY day so i haven't been again. you've gotta pick & choose if you're going cos i really don't fancy toddling around drunk off my face in 40deg heat. UNfun.


home, taz, riding, stupid people, pony stuff, tarot

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