(no subject)

Dec 18, 2009 17:33

my wonderful vet just called me. he came out this morning to do the ponies teeth (i was at work).

and beejay's visit did not bode well. apparently, if he were a human he would not only have to wear braces but probably also one of those hideous outside the head retainer wire things that stan's sister in Southpark has to wear. he would also probably have to have teeth removed and would have had his wisdom teeth out at age 10, before they even think about erupting. (i know nothing about teeth or orthodontics btw, except that apart from fillings *i* have orthodontically perfect teeth, according to my own dentist.)


so apparently we need to take a more 'aggressive' approach to his teeth routine & get them done every 3 fucking months. wtf???
he also wants to DRILL them to make the gaps bigger because at this stage the gaps in his teeth are big enough for food to get in but not big enough for food to get out, even with the regular mouth washing i force him to endure. and then apparently in several years we can start trying to get them to grow in straighter.

because if we don't, he will start LOSING teeth at age 18 or 19. wtf???????? bloody horses.

on a more positive note, i got a bag of lucerne & a bag of oaten chaff for FREE because i won a $50 voucher at a stockfeeders. whilst there i also picked up some rapigel for beej.

and work is DONE for the summer. yay.
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