(no subject)

Nov 08, 2009 06:11

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championship workout. he'd HAD ENOUGH by this stage, as you can see by the jibby jabbing at halt.

workout - trot out, halt, trot to left, lengthen across diagonal, trot to right, halt, sit trot back to judge. HARD! i had trouble getting him to move out most of the day actually and had quite a lot of leg on him the whole time. technically, as it was a horse class, the sit trot part shouldn't have been incl but the judge said something about variety etc for a walk/trot ring.

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his hack class. the grey you see is really quite fancy, but a complete nutjob. it had a tanty at everything! (says the girl with the tanty thrower, ironic huh??? hahaha)
this also had a workout but carly just got this lil bit of vid. this was his 2nd class so he was much more agreeable.

showing, riding, beejay, videos

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