(no subject)

Oct 24, 2009 15:19

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i have more vids, but youtube had a sad whilst uploading. this is the only one for now.

from my lesson on monday.
he was a little knob at first & carly had us working on 2m circles & then spiralling out once he stopped having a fit. which took some time. and during the course of the lesson he had a few lala moments which again would take a while to recover from.

again, my cursed hands are playing havoc. i just find it sooo hard to keep them still. BUT we are working on it. also, consistency - something will set him off & he'll jackhammer around with his head going na-na & i'll get unbalanced & hold on with my hands, which causes more tanties from him. so i've got to focus on recovering as quickly as possible from a shake-up and just getting on with the job.

carly was pleased that he was having tanties because then we could play with some tools to fix them. as it's guaranteed that he'll be jiggidy & unfocused & reactive & unconfident & want to RUN and SHY at everything when we go somewhere remotely new, carly likes having him muck around a little bit in lessons so she can talk me through it.

schooled yesterday & i was stoked with how cruisy he was being, but again, something set him off & he was head tossing like a LUNATIC & totally falling behind my leg & jigging around. argh, consistency!@

a couple of things that i am really happy with tho:
1. my lower leg. yippee!
2. his flexion. we had NO flexion for months & months & now i can REALLY feel it as soon as i put my inside leg on & use my outside rein. in fact, we are *sortof* maintaining the flexion & a bit of a frame if i drop my inside rein. not a lot, mind you, but a little. plus, steering is a bit dodgy, but still. i've been inspired with that since i read about burnlikestars doing it with harper & 6 months ago if i'd of tried it there would have been tears... now, not so much.
3. his muscling & topline development. carly is super impressed with how GOOD he is looking. she's raving about the individual muscles in his neck & hind quarters. i must admit i think he is looking rather fantastic - he is definite equine eye candy for me, that's for sure. i cannot get enough of looking at him. obviously, his topline still needs significant work but i can really see the benefits of (attempting) correct riding to build topline, as opposed to lunging the shit out of a horse with a variety of gadgets, or trying to feed up.

REALLY need to get his teeth done. he should be every six months & i haven't had them done since january. my bad... plus i think a good bowen session would not go astray with him either.

carly, riding, beejay

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