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Jul 20, 2009 22:43

'nother quick update.

1. so how about the weather here?
saddled up yesterday. got to arena. kelli said, "you've got about 5 minutes..." and i didn't even get to the fucking mounting block before it poured down. ran & hid in the shed. did end up riding, but just putzing around at walk. haven't ridden pretty much for a MONTh. fuck.
tonight it was pretty much raining horizontally ALL day, so just played around with some games & challenged my poor redhead by walking down the OMFG driveway in the OMFG dark. his pants were on FIRE i tell you. soo funny, just has these little explosions up his bum when things aren't going his way. he was SO good on the line tho, i should get some video - i just point and shoot and he's so responsive.

2. taz still not 100%. i have to get him re-drenched because he was (as of saturday) shitting sand STILL. although obviously, it's better out than in. he's getting a big chaff feed + hay every day, plus 40ml electrolytes & 100ml khonke's gold oil.
he is getting a complex about me going near his mouth now tho, poor guy. he srsly needs some work or playtime tho & not just FOOD because he is SO food crazy!
called Belvoir to see if they'd drench & make an account for me... but they won't. pfft. will have to call Bullsbrook & prob try and take friday afternoon or something (as the weekend = 'after hours' and therefore a huge callout fee). he should be right tho, just have to get onto that drenching ASAP. might also try him on some sweetbulk (oat husks) to help keep his guts clear.

3. horses at taz's paddock eating wood & the trees. apparently it's a lack of copper so i need to add some copper sulphate to his hard feed, plus leave free range dolomite & seaweed meal. interesting.

4. student teacher came today. she seems SUPER cluey and on the ball, so i'm looking forward to working with her. should be good. woop, no teaching this term! haha.

5. interesting thing at work today that i'll prob update on in depth later. Let's just say i got told, in not so many words, to tow the party line. VERY INTERESTING. Re: tourette's boy.

6. didn't get to ride the fancy horse because the weather was so shit. o well.

7. had a terminator viewing fest this weekend and it was GOOOOD.

8. my nails are fucking awesome sparkly silver/gold.
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