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Jul 14, 2009 08:26

well taz made it safe and sound to paul's. he's on instructions to eat a QUARTER of a biscuit of hay 4 times per day. poor starving pony. he's going to stay at paul's for a couple of days whilst we finish off stuff down south. plus he can have a bit of chaff 2x a day. woop woop. poor skinny, starving pony. he is VERY bargey & pushy as well because he's starved! i've never seen him like this before, EXCEPT just before dinner time, so it's a whole new world of taz that's opened up to me.

paul seems to like him tho & thinks he's a bit of a pocket rocket (which he is!). i've gotta pick up some electrolytes & some Khonke's Gold oil to put in his feeds as well. he hasn't had a chance to meet beejy yet tho. beej was singing out to me when i got there tho & VERY perplexed as to why i wasn't fawning all over him like normal, hahaha.

i worried all night about him as well. :(
but no phone calls from paul yet saying he's died overnight, so that's good.

i got the itemised bill last night from the vet too.

holy shit!!!

at the time i was like, "SURE keep him overnight again. SURE use x drugs on him!"

and now i'm like, "holy mother of god, a tsp of electrolytes cost HOW MUCH????"

i know some people don't even hesitate to spend $10k on a colic surgery, but i just would never be able to afford that. i'm glad i never had to get to that point with tazzie, but jesus christ. financial worries ON TOP of worrying about your pony is just so not fun. i'm not too stressed about the finances because it's on a credit card which i can pay the monthly return on (and most likely NEVER pay it off, hahaha. *sigh) & it was easy to get my limit increased, but i'm glad i didn't have to hunt around for another $8k for surgery (*touch wood*) because... well... i just wouldn't have been able to do it. especially at Belvoir - they want you to pay ON THE DAY, compared to my normal vet Bullsbrook, who let you do accounts.

i guess tho, Belvoir are horse specialists & get a lot of horses in with various expensive conditions. they'd lose money if they did accounts, most likely. and i know vets don't really make money - it's all in the medications. chris, the chief vet there, makes most of his money from the TB breeding operation he does, NOT the vet surgery.

so yeah. gotta think about how to manage tazzie so this doesn't happen again. guess he's no longer going to be the cheap paddock pony, hah! tho i'm sure a roll of hay a month won't break the bank. i'm in deliberations atm with my friend Leone (who keeps her pony in the same paddock) as to how we are going to manage the hay situation. I'm sure if taz had sand, then the other horses there will too....

anyway. gotta get moving & go do the dishes (i can't believe we've been home for 3 days & have used about every dish in the house????). then get jed mobile (he's totally crashed out) & go out to see tazzie before driving down south. again. finish off some work for dad (walking the course! - i'll update later about what we've been doing down there on the farm), then head home perhaps on thursday. hopefully. our poor cats were just abandoned there on saturday when we made the mad dash back to perth. dad gave them some whiskers on sunday, but they're probably starved too. and have also probably shat all over the laundry. MEH.

oh, AND i've picked up a hideous cough, dunno where tho as i was ISOLATED from the general population last week (being on the farm). i saw a news thing the other day about what exactly coughing means... and it's gross. i am coughing out DEAD lung cells. it's not too bad, but i think it is building up! need to pick up some Duratuss cough meds & some horseradish & garlic vitamins (am addicted to that shiz!) and hope for the best. hope it's not the onset of swine flu!

vet, taz, money, colic

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