(no subject)

Mar 14, 2009 08:52

egads, i was ITCHING for pony tyme by yesterday evening. i hadn't seen either tazzie or beej since SUNDAY can you believe it. omg. rent inspection was supposedly yesterday so we spent the week CLEANING (without argument~!) and i took rhiannon to the gala preview thingie of "Confessions of a shopaholic" on monday with some other girls as well.

(and tonight we are going to the casino in celebration of rhiannon's birthday, and i will wear my little black strapless number and maybe pick up a high flyer on the side when jed's not looking, to support my horse and nespresso addiction)

so yesterday was spent PICKING UP POO and then playing with my pony.

for some reason i must be sending shockwaves of energy to him because when i get side on to him, he is SUPER responsive and i only just figured out yesterday that he's moving away from ME not necessarily just moving. HRM... so looks like a little time spent desensitising him to me may be in order.

anyway. he had a little tanty and a BIG pull back but came off 2nd best to my car, the training lead and the rope halter. nothing snapped, nothing moved. he tried again & things seemed even more secure. meanwhile he bopped his knees on the towbar of my car & lost some skin. meh.

he's not really a puller, so this was a bit surprising and he didn't jerk it or anything, just decided he wanted to get out of there & was stumped by the fact he was tied up, so had a tantrum about that.

anyways. i put betadine on his wounds & gave him a poll/kneck massage (he will probably hurt like a mofo today!), then a good groom.

also spent ages on some very simple ground work - stopping when i stop, backwards when i back, moving away and towards me when i ask. i like how i don't have to 'lead' him and i can just change direction and he will move his feet to either follow or move away from me. he's fucking GOOD at that. it's taken a while of bolshy beejay trying to push past me, but now he will apply the brakes the instant i do. it's quite satisfying. can't wait to have a go at that off the lead too, see how he goes.
as for yeilding away from my pressure (from my core or my eyes), i think this is where the sideways movements are stemming from, so i need to go back to being super obvious about asking him to yield so he has a clear cue, rather than just squinting my eyes at him (which he responds to, sometimes with a bit of 'air pushing').

i pushed his claustrophobia a bit too & point & shot him into the confined space between the horse floats & then my float & the shed. he was anxious about it, but did it. we also spent some time working towards goals (car, tyre & spray bottle - which took fucking ages, it's the smallest goal we've worked towards & i think he was confused!).

i didn't even get to the gym last week either, so i'm all dressed up to go RIGHT NOW. i will prob go down and see tazzie right afterwards too, as i'm having a tazzie withdrawal.


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