Beaches and Summery Places

Mar 11, 2009 09:56

o my fucking god i am so fucking good at procrastinating. i've been on the computer FOR AN HOUR doing nothing, so now i'm like, "hey, i should post up those pics i took at the beach with sarah" when SRSLY i should be SRSLY cleaning my house! i took a day off work to do it! omg.


so sprinklerized came down south with me in january for a couple of days and we did a super whirlwind tour of the region. which meant beaches. a number of them.
i think on the thursday night we went to Sugarloaf Rock (one of my favourite places in the whole world) and then a quick swim in the nearly totally empty Eagle Bay. Eagle Bay is literally a Gajillionaire's row. like FAMOUS ppl have their houses there & it's nestled between bushland and the most beautiful, secluded beaches. very quiet and just gorgeous.

then on Friday we trekked off and the first place we stopped was Canal Rocks, so named for the er... canal feature cut into the rocks by millions of years of water erosion.

i'm super impressed that our shire rates go towards building safe walkways - many people have DIED here.

i forget what these are called, but i have very distinct memories of eating them as a child - my mum would pick them off the rocks and boil them up, then we'd dip them in vinegar & salt. not sure if that's exactly legal, but hey...

the trailers. omfg so many!

omg i could spend all day taking closeup pics of things within a 1m radius of me. the million year old rocks and 50 year old broken bottles ... so interesting.

we stuck mainly to the famous "Caves Road" which is so named because it's basically built on limestone & there are hundreds of caves along there.

sarah wanted a pic of vineyards, so we stopped at this little place called Laurance and i lay on the grass whilst sarah wandered around and took pictures.

then on the road again to a little place called GraceTown. We went past the main swimming beach and drove thru the town to Lefthanders Beach. Gracetown has a pretty tragic past - when i was a kid, one of the limestone cliffs collapsed on top of a number of locals who were watching a school surfing contest. People died, including the principal of one of the local primary schools. extremely tragic. in 2007 (i think) a guy was also killed there by a shark. about 2km off the coast is this reef called Cow Bombie which is home to some of the biggest surf breaks in the WORLD. it's one of those places where ppl get towed out on jet ski's & the chances of DYING if you get dumped are extremely high.

the waves we saw went up to about 2m. so significantly smaller~! but still big enough to DIE PAINFULLY if you get dumped.

this was good going down. going up was NOT SO GOOD. neither was the bloody 1.5k walk down the beach in the soul sucking sand. and i saw ppl RUNNING it. WITH A SURFBOARD.


i took some pics of surfers, but was relying on Sarah to show how awesome that was with her wizzbang cam, as there's only so much my little point and shoot can do.


after gracetown we went adventure caving in Giant's Cave. so next post will probably feature that. yeah.

pics, summerdayze

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