A Pony Partay

Feb 28, 2009 10:20

ok so i turn 30 in a few months. i've been horse crazy for maybe the last 27 years. i did not have a big 18th or 21st (usual years for big birthday parties here - australia) and i wanna have a good 30th. been thinking of a theme...

decided on a "Pony Party"
come as anything related to ponies.

pony express
dressage queen

i'll be pretty open to 'pony tails' as well.

because it's winter we probably can't do apple bobbing, but i'm sure we could do other pony club games & i'm considernig hiring a bucking bull machine - but again, it may rain, so that'll be out of the question...
house will be open & we'll have a barbecue & try to hang plastic sheets around the verandah to protect from wind. i don't want a jukebox or anything, i think just TRIPLE J on the radio & would LOVE someone to call in and get a happy birthday request for me, hinthint!

for food - i think i want a big apple turnover log & a nice carrot cake. rhiannon wants to make a Banoffee cake thing, but i dunno how that relates to ponies, lol!

we'll obviously also have non-horse related food. might also have some apple cider on hand as well.

any other suggestions???

oh, and of COURSE you're all invited!

being old skool

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