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Jan 22, 2009 11:43

i just made a coffee, put on a load of washing & was making a list of potential books to swap with zzrmags and athystle when the fone rings and who should it be but my (new) chiropractor saying he's driving up from ALBANY and will be at beej's by 1.30!!! there goes my afternoon of naked lounging around watching Friends & obsessively checking the internet!

so this morning i have also been at the gym for the first time in a week and man, despite being sick for 5 days i'm pretty impressed with myself! i did a pretty hard cardio workout (for me) and then weights and like a 2minute cooldown but it was about an hour all up. pretty good.

also dropped sarah (sprinklerized off at the airport & hung out there with her until her plane boarded. so a pretty busy morning so far.

lunch with the girls tomorrow as well, which should be GREAT.


in other breaking news, i am NOT going on the big trail ride with about 20 stockies on saturday. this is because the horse i was going to ride, King, had a big tanty and chucked his mum Kelly off out in the bush and kicked her in the head, resulting in a huge fuckoff black eye, scratches and general all around disillusionment. she was PISSED when i saw her yesterday. she said she cannot count all the times now that she's fallen or been chucked off him and she is going to send him out to spell for a while whilst she has a think about what her next step with him is going to be. she says she trusts her 4yo with 10 rides under his belt (just backed this summer) more than King, and i am SO WITH HER on that one. there is nothing quite like riding your OWN horse that no one else has ever spoilt or ridden. you totally know them. that's totally what i'm doing with my next horse.
i felt a bit funny about it really because King is a SUPER nice horse & very chill, but has these unpredictable moments. at the time i was thinking, "wow, beejay is very opinionated about things... but he's never given me a black eye..."
but in light of this incident: http://users.livejournal.com/blitzen_/233899.html
i definitely have to TOUCHWOOD, haha.
he did help me hit dirt face first faster than a speeding bullet a couple of times tho, i'm just lucky my face didn't connect with anything hard.

anyways. it'll be interesting to see what Kevin has to say about beejay's back. Hope kelli can give him a massage at some stage too.

OH i lunged beejay "properly" last night for the first time in like, 2 years or whatever.

why is it that i can take him into the round yard with NOTHING on except his boots (not ME, i have clothes on obviously!) and he will W/T/C/halt, come in and not have a brain implosion...
but put a roller and a bridle on and bring in a lunge whip instead of a carrot stick and he'll self lunge for HOURS.

fuck me he would have mindlessly gone around in circles for days had i not practically layed down in the middle demonstrating such a small amount of energy i was practically DEAD. i didn't even have the lunge rope or anything on him because he was FULL of ants as soon as we got in the round yard & i thought it'd be better for him to get his juice out before i tried to 'work' him properly.


attached the lunge rein & rigged up some makeshift running reins made from binder twine (classy, i know) and made him just walk a couple of laps both ways. he broke into a trot in the first lap but quickly came back. i have a bit of trouble getting him to halt tho when i've got a bloody lunge line attached - it's so HARD not to get him to disengage his hind end and face me, lol!!!!!

haven't ever used running reins before, but heard really good stuff about them, so thought i'd have a go. i've mostly used side reins or double lines, so it was a new thing.
John O'Leary on the use of RUnning Reins.

anyway, he didn't fight them or fidget and was very accepting of them. i think i need to make them longer tho.

anyways, i better go and get ready and find somethign to wear considering everything i own is in the wash, lol!

stockyards, books, control, friends, beejay

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