what an absolute !@#@

Jan 14, 2009 09:52


how awful. and they returned her to her family? what's with THAT?

in other breaking news, it's not even 10am and i've BEEN TO THE GYM people! AND GONE SHOPPING!

and ruined any gym effects by buying a butterfly (hard sugary pastry, pretzely shaped thing half dipped in chocolate) from Miss Maud's! goddamn. do not shop when hungry ESPECIALLY when gourmet bakery is nearby.

however, i think i am getting some GUNS. omg. i find whenever i'm near a reflective surface i just can't restrain myself from flexing my biceps and ... dear lordy... i actually appear to HAVE SOME now. jed poked them & seemed reasonably impressed...
i like to think i'm pretty strong from various horse related activities & my Personal Trainer certainly was a bit surprised at how 'fit' (HAHAHA) and 'strong' i was considering i haven't done any working out properly for at least 2 years (plus considering i'm about 30kg overweight for my height). so hauling bales of hay and slogging thru thick sand picking up poo does account for SOMETHING. however, i think i'm deluding myself if i really think that horse riding is a good exercise, in MY situation. i do quite a lot of running about during games and playtime with beejay, but it's not sustained and i certainly don't push myself for half an hour to run up and down the arena with him. when we go out on walks i take it VERY easy. and riding!??? omg. i know that horse riding is SUPPOSEDLY quite a good workout but it certainly isn't the way i ride, hahaha. my horse is very good at walk-canter transitions. why? because i don't trot! haha. so yeah. it's good i'm at the gym, cos obviously horse stuff isn't working out for me in terms of fitness. now i just need to get some control when it comes to food. FOOD. ack.

i really pushed myself last night so even tho i didn't feel tired when i started on teh treadmill i felt it then, so didn't push myself as much. still did what was required by the P.T. (in the program she wrote up - i don't have sessions with her). last night i put on some Rage Against the Machine and powered along at 10.8k/hr for about... 100m at a time, lol! still, when i don't go fast, i crank up the angle and that burns the SHIT out of my legs, especially if i do lunges at the same time. i hate lunges. lunges=death.

had a good dinner (chicken cordon bleu) but fucked it by putting loads of carbs in the salad i made too - gourmet potatoes and some of that leftover biryani rice. it was YUMMY, but not so good. i'm sposed to refrain from carbs after 4pm. THAT is hard, i tell ya.

anyways. i'm getting there.

rode beejay last night too and i think i have found the cause of his back soreness.


i cranked in the Wide gullet into my AP and rode him with that and it was almost like riding a different horse. no tail swishing, NO head tossing or anything. best yet, when i took the saddle off, there was NO soreness in his sore spots. i remember ages ago Laura (my bowen lady) asking me if i was really committed to my dressage. he gets sore from my other dressage saddle too. i'll have to think about it. must be something in teh design of the AP? like forward cut or something? idk.

think i may sell the isabell (boo hiss!), get Gary Johnson out and just trial a shitload of saddles to find the best one. and i'm not going to be put off by price. i want to RIDE my horse goddamnit... so if he says a Jaguar is the only saddle to fit him well... i'll just have to bite the bullet and spend the next 10 yrs paying it off.


i also spent some time last night looking at secondhand barefoot/treeless's. my one real fear with them is that i'm a heavy rider. i still have to contact the people penella22 recommended and i might also give the barefoot rep a call here as well.
all of this won't start happening for a while tho cos i just don't have the money to play around with anything yet.

i tell you what tho, riding in a crappy All Purpose after riding in the isabell is... FUCKED.
did not feel at all supported & definitely felt like i was crotch riding. UNCOMFY! had to be really conscious about rolling my hips forward. had the stirrups short to begin with but that caned my ankles, so dropped them a hole, which felt better but a lot less secure. argh.

interesting stuff, saddles, control, beejay

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