
Jan 12, 2009 15:44



interesting stuff

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glenatron January 12 2009, 16:33:21 UTC
Too many cars on the road
Too many shopping bags
Too many people
When you go into a pub just to use the toilet you feel bad about it
There's an eighties music revival and I'm old enough to remember that it was shit first time around
Things are needlessly complicated
Gravity always wins
Growing vegetables is hard, especially the tasty ones
Toy poodles- but why?
That "donk" noise windows makes to tell you that you aren't allowed to do something
The imminent Hubbert Peak will probably mark the end of our civilisation
Lies on the financial markets- it's not really naked short selling if they do it with their clothes on
I'm not as young as I used to be
When I was young i didn't know all the stuff I know now that would have been really useful now
My trousers are slightly too short, leaving me with cold ankles
The epilogue from the last Harry Potter book
This man is right most of the time
There haven't been any amazing albums in the last couple of years, or if there have I haven't found them but I don't know if this is to do with music or to do with me
Bad things happen to good people
Good things happen to bad people
Fish tanks are difficult to move
Anthropogenic climate change is a reality and we're going to react too late with catastrophic consequences
Our field needs about twenty barrows of poo removing from it and we're barely keeping up with fresh production
Sooner or later all kittens turn into cats
We're living in the greatest golden age in history and keep worrying about what is wrong with the world
The ending to Peter F Hamilton's Night's Dawn trilogy
The imminent Hubbert Peak may not mark the end of our civilisation
Bananas have a very narrow window of optimum tastiness
Small children screaming in supermarkets
A bedraggled pigeon pecking disconsolately on rain soaked pavement
We have neither jet packs nor flying cars, this hardly feels like The Future at all
Not enough pony time
The taste of tea when the milk is slightly on the turn
Given that it's not the future we were promised, not enough Zeppelins
It's hard to get hold of a top-hat with a built in jack-in-the-box where the "jack" is in fact a representation of horrifying octopus-headed god Cthulu at short notice
My last pair of walking boots fell apart really quickly when their predecessors and their predecessors' predecessors lasted really well- no more Brasher for me
Biscuits go soggy way too fast


blitzen_ January 13 2009, 02:44:21 UTC
o boy.

i definitely agree with you on so many of these.... the epilogue from harry potter, wtf was that all about? i've also never had kittens, only cats. i feel ripped off. same applies to puppies.

i am reminded of a Peanuts cartoon that has (the little kid with only 3 hairs? i can't remember his name) the boy and the girl & snoopy. the boy says, "i love mankind. it's people i can't stand."


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