some very low energy (from both of us) work in the round yard. please excuse the gratuitous cleavage shot, any strange noises i make AND the inappropriate attire, but eh... it was 37degC yesterday so ... and i couldn't get the tripod right so he isn't always in frame... srsly need someone to video for me.
critiques welcome.
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I don't think you're that unclear with him...he seems very smart and very good at reading your body language and what you want even when your cues aren't perfectly consistent. I don't see a confused horse for more than maybe 3 seconds of this clip.
Its clear that he's a pretty confident horse as he tries to stay in the middle with you a bit and be in your space more than was asked for, ah-hem!! But he also listens to you when you say 'get out of my space' and he's pretty 'yes ma'am just testing' about it.
I would guess your body language is clearer than mine at this point, but what I do see a bit of is your timing needing work. I see a few spots where he's actively trying/doing as you ask and you're continuing to push forward with the same intensity of cue, rather than dropping back to a phase 1. Beej seems pretty forgiving of that here in small amounts, but I can see where if you guys got into a more charged situation that that could make him more will feel like you're not listening to him try.
Mostly what I see is one VERY HAPPY HORSE!!! You should be so proud!!! he is clearly enjoying what he is doing, and I'm impressed with how well you guys do at liberty. I would also love to have an area about that size in deep sand like that, looks nice!
I love hearing your Aussie accent! And seeing Beej's horsenality shine through. :-)
and yes, super confident. i think this indicates how our relationship has changed tho & how much happier he is since i've been playing around with parelli. when we first started (and even still if he's in a mood) he would just stay on the outside of that circle and i would have to make Very Big Noises to get him to pay any attention to me at all. even when working on the line he would just get so bothered by outside things i'd have to have high energy/phases to get him to pay attention.
and yes, i agree that i don't drop back the phases when he responds, as well as i should - timing has never been a strong point.
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