
Mar 31, 2008 21:42


after this incident today:
i don't feel like updating, and i had LOTS to talk about. i will finish off that story tho because it just highlights what a loonybin my horse is.

so after i got over myself and stopped crying, i brought beejay back into the driveway & who should be coming up but kelli, with her horse and 2 dogs on lead. haha.

seeing her just made me blub again & beejay was CLEARLY picking up on my absolute flakiness and inability to do anything. the horses managed to get tangled up and i dropped the lead and couldn't grab it in time to stop him from hightailing it down the driveway (towards the stables) at a brisk trot.

stayed chatting with kelli because i could see where he was and also that he seemed ready to turn it into a game. guinness stayed munching grass with us. eventually (very reverse-psychologically) beejay decided it was far too hard and came BACK towards us in a very zigzag pattern down the drive until he was about 20m away from us.

then suddenly something got up his bum & he flipped around and bolted back towards my shed. the outside lights at the house went on and kelli and i headed back to the sheds, yelling out to paul that "no one's hurt!".

found him skulking around in the 'park' and he came right up to me for a cuddle and his energy was way down low. gave him a groom & some carrots & put his raincoat on for the night. the tail effects of a cyclone have come thru - most of today was raining & there were even minor FLOODS at my school!

all this after getting the worst sunburn EVER yesterday at the horseshow.

anyway. i also had two wonderful rides on saturday & sunday (including a fucking awesome lesson that i have to totally update about because it was fantastic!).

anyways. meh, energy is all over the place and i feel extremely scattered. also got a bit of thinking to do about a group i'm a member of, so i've been off track with that. ick.

naughtiness, rant, beejay, parelli, stupid people

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