(no subject)

Mar 15, 2008 15:58


just got a text from my dad. he wants to do a memorial service for mum on wednesday. that's cool, but i don't really feel like being involved or playing host (in his words - you organise food & drink).

i had no idea daughters are meant to organise memorial services for their dead mothers???!@#?!?

he will be shitty at me for not wanting to do one. and if i DO lose my mind and allow him to bully me into having one, he will criticise me for a variety of things, including the fact that i haven't been able to afford to get a headstone for her grave yet.

he said that she would appreciate it and that she did one for her mother when she passed away. what? why couldn't someone have informed me of this months ago - i need far more than 5 days to get psyched up for something like that.

ugh. whatever way you look, i am still the bad daughter.

dad, mum, rant

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