Song meme thingo

Mar 13, 2008 18:19

.... so i thought i'd join the cool kids, blauereiterin and catethecute.

put your itunes/ipod/whatever on random/shuffle and post a line from the first 20 songs, no matter how dorky. now you guys get to play name that song. :)

1. came from the skies, burst through the gates, with no mercy or disguise...
2. i'm so tired, of playing...
3. hold on, hold on to yourself, this is going to hurt like hell...
4. they come from every state (to find?) some dreams were meant to be (declined?)...
5. spend the days with a woman in kind, smoked my stuff and drank all my wine...
6. Once, in the back yard, she was once like me, she was once like me...
7. Beautiful girl, love your dress, icecream smile, o yes....
8. Waking up dead inside of my head, will never never do, there is no man...
9. i'm only happy when it rains...
10. ThiS State of men, a place i've never been...
11. sometimes i feel like i don't have a partner...
12. in shadows of salford, you will walk again, the shadows of lovers...
13. I've got the understanding of a (4yo) ...
14. Will you put my hands away? will you be my man...
15. 1, 2, 3, 4 my baby don't mess around....
16. i know you know my hearts not in this now...
17. i am the sun, i am the air... you should ALL get this one!
18. My heart it dances...
19. losing the star without the sky...
20. Holly came from Miami FLA...

p.s. this was really fucking hard and i hope i remember the songs!
i posted the FIRST line of the songs. hope that works. and there are THREE songs from one band... !!! there were heaps of repeats & i cheated a bit - shuffle is BAD!@

interesting stuff

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