selling a mate

Mar 08, 2008 23:53

for some reason this makes me furious. you've had the horse since it was BORN for chrissakes. and now your kid has a more appropriate horse for it?

plus, he seems VERY overpriced - i guess that's to try & weed out unsuitable buyers. but still. if you're on a bloody farm, let the pony retire.

i guess this angsts me so much because it's exactly what i did as a kid. sold on ponies that REALLY should have just retired & lived out their days. i mean FUCK. we lived on a farm, it's not as if we were short of land. the horses were always fat and well fed & never had any real issues.
i HATE that i did that & sold on best mates who should have stuck around. i hate that my dad forced me into it (i mean really, how autonomous is a 12-13yo?). i have some bad memories from that time and because of them, i will NEVER EVER sell on a good mate that's been in the family for years. i try not to feel guilty about it because it wasn't MY fault. i was just a kid.

i will fucking do everything i can to find a nice retirement home if i can't keep it with me. i have had to do this for blitzen & it broke my heart, but i wasn't about to sell him to the fucking knackers (as my father suggested, can you believe it?) just because he outgrew his usefulness.

dad, rant, blitzy

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