
Feb 28, 2008 18:40

this post is especially for blauereiterin, who seems to have discovered a newfound love for ovines.

(edit... a very large amt of photos. i had no idea i had so many sheep pics. and i claim to be indifferent...)

but not a lot.

We have merino's, x-breds and haired sheep (dorpa's). we eat them (yum) and shear them. my dad has always had them and they are also useful for keeping the grass down between his plantation eucalypts (bluegums).

getting marked. they are also tailed, ear clipped, shorn, wormed, vaccinated, crutched, shorn. i would NOT like to be a sheep.

The Shearing Shed. i have spent MANY an hour in here. starting with sleeping in the wool to bloody packing the goddamn wool & rousabouting in searing summer temps. ugh, not fun.
but a cool place to be. all working sheepfarms have shearing sheds.


more bebeh's. and my dad. and his kids (a working kelpie team).

Tippy, the matriach of the dog_squad. she's grey, toothless & deaf now. but still loves a good chase.

Rounding up the Mob.

and with life, there's sadness.

It's hard work chasing sheep.

This guy is worth about $2-3k. for a sheep. wtf?

clearly, he is the kingshiznit of all ovines in the whole world. all the others are his girls.

yeah! da bozz man!

poor little orphans.

Hangin' out.


a good sheepdog is as good as a thousand men.

my dad is 84 this year. and still runs sheep. he's crazy.

one of the first things you do once you've caught a sheep - check it's teeth to see how old it is.

The suffolk ewe there is VERY naughty. she is an alpha type sheep & leads them on escapades.

uh oh... did someone leave a gate open?


the Dorpa's & dorpa x's are pretty damn cool with BIG attitudes.

that's spotty, working.

all done. and my dad never moved.


what's that saying 'like following sheep'????

farm girls tie horses up by reins. yeah.
blitz loves sheep work. he HOONS.

Yeah. cuteness.

interesting stuff, dad

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