Oct 28, 2007 20:48

get this:

paul has BANNED all "natural horsemanship" from the arena.

apparently when the horses have tanties or 'go backwards really fast' they dig up the soil and expose the woodchip base.

omfg, the woodchip base is exposed by ppl fucking riding around on the SAME track in the SAME direction ALL the FUCKING TIME.

not to mention... the fucking RAIN. HELLO????????????


so now, all "natural horsemanship" is restricted to the roundyard or the sandy patch in front of Poppy's yard (and this is REALLY deep soil, it's not prepared ground like an arena... ugh).

anyway. hopefully my horse will be set soon and i can take him out for walks and not BOTHER with the arena.


how the FUCK am i supposed to do sideways game & other obstacle games in the roundyard? haul all that shit down there? grrr...

also, my sunglasses which i have worn on my head for over a year now officially DIED today (they snapped just under the right lens).
meh, only $10 sunnies but i LOVELOVELOVED them. this is a good excuse for me to buy some aviators tho.

take that!

rant, beejay

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