Dreams are just that, wishful thinking within’ your grabs that will turn to nothing but dust.
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
Letting the body rot within
Within you decay of raw emotions for love, anger, sadness and hatred.
A horrible feeling as you are being gnawed within knowing you can do nothing about it, but let the emotions from within you.
Is it worth it? To get close?
And when you do you feel like everything is okay, maybe humanity isn’t that bad..
Then humans once again slowly pierces the heart with a rusted ice pick and its so painful you want to go into a corner… just to stare…and pray you’re mind and heart grow numb.
They try to comfort you.. but do you let them?
Do you want to be comforted, just to have that small ray of hope shine in on the wound to heal it for five minutes, an hour, maybe a day… knowing you’ll have a week of hell to pay afterwards.
Or do you take advice from your mind and let your heart be coated in that small layer of stone, so no one can break it, so you won’t feel pain…but…you won’t feel…anything?
People need to stop blaming the world. Mother Earth is doing her best just to survive! She’s dying because of the human race keeps stabbing her and abusing her.
Society is the key, society and its limitations, myths, and rules.