A kiss is just a kiss…

Feb 04, 2012 23:52

…right up until you can’t share one for a while. Mortgaged and I are decidedly an affectionate couple. We’ll have been together for 16 years this May and although I have heard that the level of simple, enjoyable, affectionate touching - hand holding, random caresses, kissing and the like - is supposed to level off a few years into a relationship, thank goodness that has never been the case with us. In fact, we have often said that we could never attend the black V-Day parties Batosai used to throw/still throws for the simple reason that we can’t sit together or be near one another at a party and not touch each other at some point, a quick hand squeeze, a shoulder caress, one of our hands lightly resting on the other’s knee…it’s just the nature of Mortgaged and I and our relationship with one another and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

So cut to this week and the fever blisters. Gah! I hate fever blisters and I am currently sporting several itchy, sore, icky clusters of them all around the nostrils of my very prominent nose. Basically, I crashed hard after the funeral on Saturday and fell ill with flu like symptoms and a high fever all day Sunday and most of Monday. And sadly, ever since childhood when I completed the chicken pox to scarlett fever to a extended bout with fever blisters in my eye Trifecta missing roughly a third of kindergarten in the process, a high fever gives me a 50/50 chance of breaking out in these hyper contagious blisters either back around the eye, or around my nose.

And the most annoying thing about them is not the pain, nor the itch, nor the need to avoid touching my nose except to apply meds, nor is it the fact that I look like I have W.C. Field's nose. Nope, it’s the fact that fever blisters scattered over the base of my nostrils = no kissing for this girl…no kissing and no…well…you get the general idea…no anything that would cause anything to brush up against my face just above my upper lip. Not since Tuesday night. Ladies and gentlemen currently in relationships, imagine how hard it would be to be around your S.O. and unable to kiss them for what will eventually be more than a week. Well, trust me, it’s actually even harder than that. No, it is not the end of the world and it is a situation that will be remedied at some point in the next week or so but, still, very frustrating for all parties concerned.

whine for my cheese, health

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