Sep 05, 2010 21:00
Mortgaged and I finally got to go kayaking again on Saturday! Planning a kayaking trip in Cambria seldom if ever works out when we go up in a big group of people. There is either not enough interest or too many other fun things to do and the last two times we've gone up by ourselves it just didn't work out. So, for his birthday trip, kayaking was on our must do list.
We hit San Simeon cove around 10:30 Saturday morning. We chose to do the guided tour again because the tour guides really know how to spot and approach the animals. I loved the fact that I got skeptical looks from the other couple on the trip - no one wants the fat girl to slow them down right? - and then left them in the dust for most of our trek. Looks aren't everything people. *grins* This fat chick is very strong, was pretty good with a kayak last year, and has been doing pilates two to three days a week since then.
I love being out on the water! I love the salt spray on my lips, the smell of the ocean and how the smell and feel of the water changes completely as you move from near the shore around the cove and out into open sea. The weather was gorgeous! San Simeon Cove was a large fog free bubble in between mist shrouded Cambria and Big Sur.
The tide was low enough that we were able to explore two small sea caves this trip. One was full of sea anemones and sea stars. We glided over kelp beds and saw cormorants, egrets and brown pelicans. We ever saw four otters, which includes a mother trying to teach her baby how to swim by himself while she groomed herself. How he cried and clung to her every time she pushed him off and set him in the water! We saw a harbor seal and a group of young sea lions hanging out on the buoy a little less than a mile off shore. I love the sea lions. They're so loud and social and always seem to be having a good time out there. I love how little fear the animals had of us. We were able to get within 20 feet of most of them, though we were not going to try for closer. We wanted to see the animals, not disturb or interrupt them in any way.
The return trip from the buoy was harder - open ocean and against the wind and the current. But it was fun to really test myself and things calmed down again once we were back in the cove. All told, Mortgaged and I calculated we kayaked just under 3 miles. Lots of fun! And, this time I got the kayak back on the beach without body surfing my way in. Progress!
cambria/paso robles,
excursions & adventures