I know, I know. Don’t I have any happy posts?

Oct 01, 2008 16:43

Well. There is this great story about these cute baby ducks who imprinted on a local groundskeeper…but I digress…

Yes I have been posting a lot about the economy lately and my thoughts and frustrations. Given my employment and that of my husband, you can understand how it might be on my mind more than a little - though I imagine it is on most people’s minds more than a little - that and it’s historic and important. But still this not the only thing on my mind lately, there is some good stuff too, and I should post about that every now and then.

As Mortgaged announced in his journal, he bit the bullet and switched jobs. In his industry, because of the length of time you work on deals and the commissions and all that ,it is common to be half way or more transitioned into the new job before you let the old the job know what’s going on or you are apt to miss out on commissions you have already done all of the work for. So he juggled both as long as he could and finally had to let his old boss know on Thursday…which, on Tuesday, led to his boss’ bosses asking him to make that very day his last day. And this is why you don’t say you’re leaving until you’re ready for them to tell you fine, leave. It’s very much a don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out kind of industry.

Still I think it is all for the best, both Mortgaged’s new job and the clean break from the old one. No, he didn’t get to stay juggling both for quite as long as he wanted to but at least this way there is no question of him having to take just a referral fee instead of full commission on any deals that might come his way in the next few weeks. And the coworkers who count saw him off in style, as he deserves.

The new job doesn’t guarantee more deals, and I am not holding my breath for more given the state of the industry and the economy. But, he gets a much larger of the commission for his deals and this company looks like it will work with him rather than against him to process those deals. So  it’s the opposite of Red Queen Syndrome. Even if he just manages to stay in the same place, he’ll already be ahead. Yay for that!

My own job remains stable, as illogical as that sounds, and things might even get really good around here towards the end of the year - far more careers are made in adversity than prosperity I keep reminding myself.

Mortgaged and I enjoyed a fantastic spur of the moment weekend in Cambria with for Crazybugger’s birthday. We spent time with he, his boyfriend and C & A, two other old friends we see far too little of. We went on a fantastic three-hour kayak tour of San Simeon Harbor and enjoyed entirely too much wine which is as it should be. We found two more great new wineries previously unknown to us - Lone Madrone and Fratelli Perata - for the next time any of us travels in that general direction. And we finally learned how to play Settlers of Catan - great game! As soon as we got home we tried our darndest to rope Midnightgambler into the addiction.

Last weekend, Mortgaged was wrapping up his old office while I tried to prepare his new office - the one next door to our bedroom. We enjoyed an evening out at Waffle for dietcokeofevil51’s birthday. The waffles were not something I would choose to name a restaurant after but the mac and cheese was excellent. The seating worked out oddly yes, but our hosts were so gracious and lovely and it was so nice to have our schedules finally work such that we could accept an invitation, that we were quite happy even so.

Then, on Monday, I managed to stave off a nasty cold/allergy attack strictly on the power of hot tea and my own homemade rosemary white bean soup. How cool is that?

And that takes me through some of the highlights of the last two week’s to today, where I hope to have time to run home and make brownies prior to C.o.W.’s mock-toberfest.  ;)

health, updates, excursions & adventures, experimental cooking, my brief stint as a government employee, work

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