Many Mini Updates: The Better Part of the Month in Review

Feb 28, 2007 16:15

Wow, I feel like it's been forever since I have posted - apparently, forever amounts to about two weeks in LJ land - and even longer since I've posted anything in the manner of an update - LJ land translation, about a month.  Work has been extremely, shall we say, plentiful lately, at least in terms of hours, deadlines, and the number of projects heaped upon my plate so I have been almost completely absent from these electronic pages during the day.  Petty, ridiculous, backstabbing, pointlessly, wastefully, time and resources burning, bullshit, thy name is corporate marketing...and that's all that I have to say about that.  But my weekends and evenings have kept me away from LJ with all manner of fun and productivity, so I suppose that it all balances out in the end.

Some general updates and observations from the last several days in roughly chronological order:

I finally got a chance to use the pasta maker 
mortgagedgave me for Christmas!  It works like a dream and homemade pasta is delicious.  I can see us using this a lot.

hooloovooo's birthday party was a blast.  It was fun to cook her birthday presents and even nicer to hang out with everyone, including her really nice friend from back east.

My birthday party with my parents was fun and began my own birthday festivities with a quietly nice brunch and presents, among them the first two Harry Dresden books which I enjoyed so much that I have been plowing my way through the series ever since with near obsessive delight.  
mortgagedis laughing at me, but it's not like he has any room to talk on this subject ;).

Though the work event venue was lame - an extremely cheesy murder mystery cruise - the evening was actually quite fun.  I got to know my co-workers a bit better and went on an honest to goodness pub crawl with my manager and tow other co-workers. He he he.

C.o.W. meetings are wonderful and essential as always and I've been too busy to tell you all the funny things that were said at each meeting and now they've merged into one giant memory pool of hilarity and innuendo which is really rather appropriate if you think about it.

This is something I am working on very hard, but I do not always think well of myself.  I sometimes have a hard imagining why anyone else would like me because I feel like I am very unlikable.  So I cannot even begin to tell you, and you know who you are, how much the unsolicited kind words that were expressed at a C.o.W. meeting and on my LJ, and how much everyone showing up for a surprise party for me - for me! - meant to me.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I did manage to post briefly about my birthday surprise party - I love you all so much!  Well the birthday dinner party that followed that weekend was also a blast.  Mortgaged spoils me, and so do the rest of you.  Spoiled by friendship and love is the best kind of spoiled let me tell you...and when it also sometimes comes with great new games, kitchen gadgets, and books, well that's so far beyond gravy, that it's a scrumptious pan sauce.  Thank you, all.

I have also been experimenting with a small bit of quick and dirty Thai cooking.  Prik king is going to be a new staple in our house let me tell you.

batosai's game night was fantastic.  We stayed up until 5 in the morning playing this and that and I had a great time being introduced to new games and new people.

Sometimes a quite dinner and board games is the best way to spend unwind from the work week, although alcohol certainly doesn't hurt in this regard either.  It is further proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy that alcohol and other means of relaxation and entertainment are seldom mutually exclusive.

My sister's engagement party was a lovely event.  I am so very happy for her and was thrilled to be able to toast to her future happiness without worries or reservations.

Work again, work again, back to that thing I was saying about corporate marketing.  But, it's C.o.W. tonight!  So, once again, there is balance to my world.

weddings, deadlines whooshing by, stress, would you like to play a game?, work, family, birthdays, fun with friends, updates, experimental cooking, introspection

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