To Be a King by
Gundam Wing. Trowa/Quatre, Heero/Duo. PG-13. 23,576 words.
After The Barton tribe was exiled from their home, forced to live in the bowels of the jungle by the usurping Winner Tribe, they set out to get their revenge. The successor of their tribe grew strong and hard, and he was sent into the heart of the Winner lands to take back their homeland.
This is a fun story inspired by the Disney movie
Lion King II: Simba's Pride. My very favorite part of the story is the first chapter when we see the interaction between a child Trowa and Quatre meeting for the first time. Later on, when they meet again as adults, the pacing of the story feels more rushed which lessened my enjoyment. I love the inclusion of mementos kept by each child into adulthood: a bracelet and bone armor. One should note that the epilogue, written years later, contains adult content and has something of a different tone from the original story.