I was going to go through and f-lock some entries and leave some public, but I've got something like 800 entries and yeah. No. So I just went and flocked the whole thing, unlocked a couple of the first twenty, lost my patience and said I'd be more discerning going forward. Maybe some day. Hah, who am I kidding?
I'd like to join a book club or something, but there's nothing within an hour's drive of here, and I'm not driving an hour if I can help it. Just to illustrate my growing insanity, I've considered starting one myself here in Hellhole-ville USA, and still haven't ruled it out. I don't even like most of the people in this town, y'all.
In other random news, we are going through a spate of weather where it will rain absolutely everywhere that is not here. And when it does rain here, it rains really, really hard. For five minutes. Just enough to turn our property into a sauna! Some people pay money to suffer like this. These people are clearly insane.
Here, have some links so I look like I know how to write a post anymore!
Hypnotic Brass EnsembleTiti FreakI don't even know where to start. It's a naked bloody Rolling Stones cover. How do you even classify that? NSFW, fo shizzle. Also frankly creepy. Seriously, who thought this was a good idea?
Ravine by Jacob Kierkegaardand for reference -
Alvin Lucier's I Am Sitting In A Room (mp3 link)- which I learned today drives my dog insane. ETA: for anyone who has never had the pleasure of experiencing I Am Sitting In A Room, it is possibly the most annoying 15 minutes of sound captured for posterity in the history of the planet. I'd rather listen to shrieking children. At least they aren't avant-garde. (Note here that I use avant-garde in the sense that it's been appropriated by a bunch of pretentious fucktards, and not in the original, experimental innovation sense.)