May 29, 2009 06:53
Okay, so today a couple of things happened. I woke up and the eye discomfort I have been experiencing is still there egging my eye. (No thanks to contact lenses and Mollie who chewed up my glasses). Greta and I confirmed in our hearts more than ever that Mollie is expecting, because her nipples exploded, again, and it looks like "milk sacs" are forming. Lane decided to go online fishing without me. Settled a issue that didn't even matter at all to me, but matters to someone so, whatever. Called some friends up to check on their well-being, while conveniently missing some. Then here comes the BOMB: Someone thinks I'm a "I-will-call-you-when-I'm-in-trouble-but-don't-count-on-me-when-you-are!" kind of friend. But.....
You know what? It doesn't matter to me, at all. I know I've done my part when I was needed, I never complained you didn't. Just that maybe you disappeared for a couple of months without resurfacing officially till you unhinged yourself. But hey, who doesn't lose focus when mesmerized? I do, just not as bad haha! I told Lane, that I realised, people can say a million things, but they are always entitled to their own opinion, and so am I. But the strange thing is, when they give their opinions, they expect you to be easy peasy about it, but when you do it, oh no, defensive, unhappy, disastified, delusional, are just a few words to describe them. Nice.
I hope no one thinks I'm talking about them because then you'd be SENSITIVE. I'm just speaking for the general public, in a very matter of fact way.
There are many types of friends in the world, the kind who just sit around and talk shit all day with no concrete plans. The type who treat you like their world when they are single and then you're out of their world almost completely when their attached. The kind that vent their anger on you when it was someone else who got them cheesed off and they don't have the balls to dump dirt on the person. There's also the type that try to be everything they can to you but end up complaining that you are too much for them to handle. There are the types who you don't meet very often but are always there no matter what, no matter when, and they don't ask for anything in return. Then are those, who are just..... there all the time. There are also those who smile at you all the time and assume you're psychic when they suddenly blast out saying you weren't ever there for them
There are so many types of friends, some are even a mix of a few of the above. I've had all these. My personal favourites are those who just love you. I have maybe say, 5 of those? Not including Lane.
I always thought you needed truckloads of friends to see you through life, but someone told me:
In this world you just need to believe yourself, and one or two friends who believe in you. (apart from family)
So apart from this awesome revelation, I have come to realise many other things, that friends come in the unlikeliest people. They can come in pretty ugly packages, or pretty nifty looking packages. They could be thin, fat, chubby, slim. But personally I don't have any fat friends. I've eliminated alot of friends, to my disappointment, but I'd rather be lonely then GET SHIT ALL THE TIME.
Clean your friends project. Do it today.
Keep the good, elminate the not so good, bad and retarded.
If all else fails, I will always have my family. Do you?
Because most people think I'm being naggy and preachy when I say family is most important. Doesn't matter if you think your mom hates you or whatever, carrying someone in their womb for 9 months is tough compared to CRUNCHING YOUR HEAD WITH SCALPELS AND WHATNOTS WHEN ABORTING YOU. I like the friends who love their parents. They don't think I'm dorky. Sometimes I hate my mom, but ultimately, she's always been there. One day when we grow old, our current friends will all eventually split ways and we have to rely on family.
But whatever it is, to honor those that have been there for me, here's a list of people I want as my friends forever, even if some of them are *&%*&(*)(*(*)^^$%@U@^@# at times:
1. Lane
2. Peiqi
3. Gillyn
4. Penny
5. KayJ
6. Geraldine
7. Jermaine
8. Jean and Kay
9. Yanni
10. Yuan
11. Terri
12. Ariana
Thanks Ariana btw, for being there even though I haven't seen you in like forever? You're the kind of friend I need.
So anyways, fuck everyone in the world and throw yourself a party tonight. LOVE YOU!