May 19, 2006 13:12
Well, life on medzzz is pretty damn wonderful. Aside from strange eating habits and the desire to sleep a LOT, I am really enjoying myself. My mood swings are pretty much near normal people's, and I am not as angry and stuff. Perhaps I'm even a little nicer. But, probably not. Anyway, I might be goin' on some more to make me not as sleepy, and I can't wait to try it out. Yay, life!
d00d like 3 weeks of school left. Then, I am off into the wonderful world of ANYTHING BUT HIGH SCHOOL!!!! I really hope that I can make friends in college. And not crappy ones. Cool, nice and hilarious friends: that is what I want.
My prom dress is friggin awesome. I am going to look so HAWT.
Well, I'm off to do my eyebrows.
One of these days (when my cell works again) I will ask for everyone's numbers and locations for next year. I need to hang out with people this summer. IT IS VITAL!