Drowning in my sleep

Jan 10, 2010 03:07


I thought I wouldn't but I fucking have to.
I am, I really am fucking RAGIN over everything that's happened between me and Paul, I shouldn't be surprised at all, not like it's the first time eh? but he went and done it and HOW FUCKING DARE HE.

All the promises
All thoughts said
All plans made are lies.

I put too much time and too much heart into something I should have known was a stupid game. 7 months he was persistant on wanting me, I didn't even at the start, wasn't attracted to him, didn't think much of him. Constant late night calls and random texts made feelings grow, how could I help that?

Guy fools girl, girl falls in, girl gets hurt. What hurts the most is that I cared so much about him, knowing at the time I shouldn't but life does that to you sometimes and makes you want something you shouldn't. It makes me wonder, like throughout 2009 the guys I met and had hopes for, and when they failed. I'm not strong, I'll never fucking be strong. If I'm being honest sometimes I think I'm just desperate to find someone, because I had the almost 6 year relationship, and have always jumped from guy to guy. I've been single for a year now and still not used to it, how sad eh?

I hate guys now, thanks to him, every guy who talks to me who isn't my friend makes me angry.

I can't continue with this.

Hey unfaithful, I will love you.
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