tis the season to partake of meme's, or so it would appear from the number floating around at the moment.
This one is gacked from
wolfiekins and
evilauntiesnape More information about my lovely self than even I needed. Feel free to skip or scan, cos seriously peeps, this is involved. Like being holed up with Lois Lane (when at her most *um Clark did what??? I didn't notice a damned thing, I must have been intuativly noticing everything but...* dense) in a bomb shelter for 24 hours. ie. this is loooongggg
(apologies for spelling mistakes, truth is i really can't be bothered with accuracy right now.
How many keys are on your keychain? 6 plus several keyrings including my rubber duck Howard. I've had Howard on my keychain for years, we go way back. It may well be my longest lasting relationship.
What curse word do you use the most? At the moment, 'Bollocking hell!'
Do you own an iPod? I have an mp3 player, a big ass brick of an mp3 player, but it does the same job, so screw it, I'm not vain when it comes to gadgits
What time is your alarm clock set for? Untill now, 5:30am when I had finished all my work the previous evening, 3a.m. more usually. But now I've quit my course, who the hell cares. I'll get up whenever the hell I feel like untill I get myself a new job.
How many suitcases do you own? 3, a teeny one, a middle sized one, and a big huge kitchen sink one. Enter the 3 bears
Do you wear flip-flops even when it's cold outside? When it's cold outside, I'm barely visable for the multiple layers. I feel the cold really badly, I'm the kind of girl who's running around trying to borrow a jumper when it drops a few degrees on a warm summer night. But I live for the time of year when I can get my feet out! Yay for flipflops!
Where do you buy your groceries from? where ever is closest and cheapest, I'm not fussy
Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture? Be in. But only when I don'nt know the pictures being taken. I hate posed pictures. I'd say take, but everytime I go out with a camera I completely forget to take any photos, and I'm really not good at the whole 'ok everyone together now!' thing
What was the last movie you watched? Cinema; Xmen3, DVD; Batman Begins
Do any of your friends have children? Yes, Most not, but a few.
If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would buy? Most boring answer ever. I'd pay off my parent's morgage, but some money away for my kid sis and my Godson, and then I'd blow a few thousand on various weekends away with my friends, Dublin, Amsterdamn, possibly NY. Whatever the hell I fancy at the time
Has anyone ever called you lazy? Oh hell yeah, and probably with good reason
Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster? Does brandy count?
What CD is currently in your CD player? Jonie Mitchell - Blue. 'A case of you' owns me!
Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? Regular.
Has anyone told you a secret this week? Um... now that'd be telling wouldn't it!
When was the last time someone hit on you? On a bus last week in Cornwall. He was taking some computer course or other, apparently the next Bill Gates..um yeah, k. (nice guy though even if I wasn't interested, he entertained me for my half hour bus ride)
What did you have for dinner? Just got back to Manchester, and and as it's father's day tomorrow we went out for Italian. Spinach and Ricotta Tortellini, yum! !
Do you wear hoodies often? Occasionally. I have a couple wiht slogans that cannot be denied (I'm loat help me find me beer). In winter I wear them to bed with the hood up (note my feeling the cold comment earlier)
Can you whistle? Barely. Everytime I try I break into a cheesy grin. Have you ever tried to whistle whilst smiling? It's not humanly possible!
Have you ever participated in a protest? Nope. A couple of letter writing campaigns though
Who was the last person to call you? My mum.
What is your favorite ride at an amusement park? Um.. whats that one called, that circlular one that spins you round so you're pressed right up against the sides standing, and you can lift your feet off the ground? Yeah, that one.
Do you think people talk about you behind your back? Probably, thats the way the world works, right? It doesn't bother me too much. I'm expecting it, and it's not as if I've never had a good bitch about someone before now. I can't expect any better of anyone than I do of myself.
What area code are you in right now? Post code, and I'm back in M40.
Did you watch cartoons as a child? Totally, and they were a hell of a lot better than the cartoon shows today. (but I guess everyone thinks that). Xmen, Spiderman, He man, Thundercats, Dungeouns and Dragons, a hundred and one other more obscure ones, who remembers 'the dreamstone'? A personal fave!
How big is your local mall? Depends, the central Mancheter Arndale, fairly big, and getting bigger as space allows. The Trafford Centre (out of town) is much bigger, but much more expensive.
How many siblings do you have? Just the one, known as 'Kiddo'. Almost 10 years my junior, so I get to combine only child issues with older sibling issues (just kidding)
Are you shy around the opposite sex? Generally it depends. How much I've had to drink is a definate factor. My shyness is usually proportionate to how much I like a person (not find attractive, but 'like', very different things') But as long as I'm not particularly interested in them, I'm usually happier with male friends than female. I love my girls, don't get me wrong, but I adore being the only girl in company of men. You get to be slightly feminine but still one of the guys.
What is your biggest regret? I don't know yet, and I'm taking that as a good thing.
When was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt? I can't even remember. Lifes been so stressfull recently. I'm looking forward to being able to spend more time with the people who can reduce me to the embarrassing squeeks which can be vaguely described as laughter.
What movie do you know every line to? Breakfast at Tiffanys. 'Cross your heart and kiss your elbow' may well be my most used quotation.
Do you own any band t-shirts? One or two, no current bands tho, my fave is a Kinks T I found in a charity shop
When was your last plane ride? About 2 weeks ago, Manchester back to Cornwall, before I decided to screw the whole thing and move back.
How many chairs are at your dining room table? 5 at the mo, one is in my bedroom taking the place of the pretty turquiose folding chair I brought back from Cornwall today
Do you read for fun? Every chance I get!
Can you speak any languages other than English? A few words of German, but if you dropped me in the middle of Berlin, the chances are I'd be able to find my way to the nearest Chemist or Library and thats about it.
Do you do your own dishes? Three cheers for the dishwasher! saves me from utter slobbery!
What color is your bedroom painted? Mauve and grey
Have you ever cried in public? Yes, unfortunately.
Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? I have a desktop I share with my family, but since the comming of my dearest lappy, it's been almost entirely neglected
Which do you make, wishes or plans? For the last 8 years I've had a plan, and in the last week I've thrown it away, so right now I'm going with wishes, even though I don't know what I'm wishing for yet.
Are you always trying to learn new things? That's the whole point!
Do you shower on a daily basis? Hell yeah, I fell infinately icky if I don't. If I have the time and wanna pamper I'll have a bath but I'm finding less and less time for that lately
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? I desperately want another tattoo! I only have the one, but ever since I got it I've been planning my next. They need to be meaningful to me though, meaningful enough to last my whole life long, so it's not an easy choice to make. I'd never get another piercing though. My tattoo hurt, but it was a good kind of hurt. My belly bar just plain hurt.
Do you believe that the guy should pay on the first date? I don't 'believe' a damn thing when it comes to dating. I'll always offer to pay my way, or get the drinks if he gets the meal, whatever. I don't like being treated like I shouldn't pay, I enjoy equal footing, but I don't mind being spoiled a little once I've seen a guy a few times
Can you skip rocks? Nope, I can't click my fingers or roll my tounge either, rub it in why don't you!
Have you ever been to Jamaica? Nh'uh.
What to snack on at the movie theaters? Nachos, with jallepinos, definitely
Who was your favorite teacher? Ms Marks, I was 8, she trashed and barracaded our class while we were out playing so we would understand how the villagers felt when the Vikings attacked during harvest time. Wore odd earings and doc martins. She was my 8 year old girl crush
Have you ever dated someone out of your race? Not dated, but 'had a thing with' which is about as close as I got to actually dating in my teen years. 'Things' abounded.
What is the weather like? stuffy. It's quite late, surely it should be cooler now?
Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos? Definitely depends on the person. I find some tats a turn on, but others utterly wrong (names for example, no one should have names tattoo'd
Do you have an online journal? Far too much of a day to day 'journal' at the mo, but I've been so preoccupied there hasn't been enough time for fannish posts. I have time now though
What was your favorite class in high school? Eng Lit.
Do you enjoy traveling via airplanes? I hate flying alone, I always freak out ever so slightly on take off, and once you land... those few seconds as you're slowing down.. I always think the breaks will fail and we'll plow into the terminal building. The up in the air part though, not so much scary as dull and uncomfortable with my long legs.
What personality trait is a must-have in your preferred gender? I need for people to be tactile. I'll admit it, I'm an out and out snuggler, and I get that some people don't like that, it doesn'r stop me being close to them, but I'm very physical, I like to be able to be close to people.
Have you ever been attracted to someone physically unattractive? Well, no one I've found physically unattractive. although a few years back I did have an incredibly bad reaction to a relative dying young and with no warning, and ended up sleeping with someone I wouldn't generally have, but he did have his attractive qualities, even if they weren't phyical. He was very comforting.
When was the last time you slept on the floor? I have no idea, I'm guessing it was a few years ago and I waas fairly drunk at the time
What is your favorite alcoholic drink? ooooh choices, choices! I usually drink lager, vodka lime and soda, or brandy, but I have a definate thing for Long Island Ice Tea, and Mojitos.
Does your closest Starbucks have a drive-thru? Nope, n thank God. I rely on my own coffee machine.
Do you like your living arrangement? Well I'm living with my folks and teen sister now, so take a guess...
What is your mother's hometown? Right here, Manchester, she grew up right around the corner.
How many hours of sleep do you need to function? Can go about a week on 3 hours a night or so before I need to catch up
Do you eat breakfast daily? Do I hell as like. caffine and nicontine will do me.
What was the last thing to scare you? I can't even remember, I've felt knida numb for a while now
Are your days full and fast-paced? Well, not anymore
Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class? Without a doubt
What is your favorite fruit? Cherries and Kiwis!
Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages? I'm natually a skeleton. I eat what the hell I want. If anyone fumes at this just bare in mind I've been attempting to put on weight in order to get me some curves for years now, and only suceeded in gaining a pot belly. Damn you all and your hips and your boobs.
How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 24
Are you picky about spelling and grammar? Only when it's bad enough for me to notice as I scan read, which means it'd have to be pretty damn appaulling
Do you believe in life on other planets? I don't not believe in it, which to me amounts to the smane thing.
Have you ever been to Six Flags? No. Umm what?
Who was the last person to piss you off? The guy I'm currently seeing. His brother got married today and I was unable to attend, but still, I'm feeling kinda left out, he didn't even email me a proof of the best man's speech to check over, after he made me promise I'd give it a look over!
Do you believe that God has a gender? Don't be silly. Anthropmorphosis should be limited to diseny characters. We shouldn't ascribe human categories to anything higher than us.
What was the last thing you ate? A milkiebar mini muffin
Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex? A bit of each I'd say
What did you dress up as for your first Halloween? Was years before I dressed up, it's not such a thing in England. But I had a party aged 11, where i dressed in a victoriana dress, powdered white with fang marks in my neck and blood trails (so proud off iccle me, the perfect little drucilla)
How did your parents pick your name? We're a Catholic family, saint's names abound. After St. Clare of Assissi (St. Patricks celibate girl) ((apparrently))
Do you like mustard? Is there any other condiment?
What do you tell yourself when times get hard? Tell myself? I'm the queen of denial.
Would you ever sky dive? I have a more than healthy reguard for my own personal safety.
Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back? Tummy alone. Side when sharing, although I tend to sprawl on people who share a bed with me, mid sleep.
What character from a movie most reminds you of yourself? sadly, 'Holly go lightly' (people don't belong to other people' although I really do hope they might) and this is oh so sad but Epnonine fron Le'Miserble.
Have you ever bid for something on ebay? yeah occaisonally
What do you think of Angelina Jolie being pregnant um, yay? As long as subsequent babies are loved I couldn't give a flying fuck
Do you enjoy giving hugs? Hell yeah, I'm all snuggly like a kitten
Would you consider yourself to be fashionable? I like what I like, If it happens to be fashionable, that just makes it easier to find in the shops.
Do you own a digital camera? Yup, but one of my bestest friends is a camera queen (70 pics per night out) so I'm rarely called upon to take a pic
If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? It's happened, it's uncomfortable, but everyone gets over it in the end
What celebrities have you been compared to? None that I can think of right now
Who is your favorite Star Wars character? Yoda. The weird druid of the force.
Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never do? Occasionaly. I have friends who constantly go m.i.a. (yes I'm talking to you
toadstoolsmiles) so it doesn't bother me so much
What books, if any, have made you cry? I weep like a baby at anything even slightly emotional, I'm such a sap. But when I thougt Arutha was dead in Fiest's novel's I was beyond despair. (damn you fiest why must you taunt us with character deaths, I will never trust you when you claim someone has died. Nope never, not untill I see their rotting corpse)
Do you think you're attractive? Well I'm not a troll, but I'm not a super model either.
What are you allergic to? wasp stings, and too many straberries, which sucks as I love them.
Are you a jealous person? Oh hell yeah, I know its wrong and I won't even try to defend it, but my stuff, my friends, my guy, mine mine mine!
What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment? Been there, done that, had alot of fun but in the long run it doesn't make me happy.
Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat? Does a lion feel guitly after eating an antilpope?
If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name have been? 'Duncan Edward' after the Mancheater United player. Thank God I was born femal. i Wouls have had the shit beaten outa me as a guy, I mean 'Duncan', it's just asking for it.