Apr 26, 2006 02:19
Wow... the subject really describes it all... I really don't know where to start on this matter... lets see... I think I’m going to start where it all began...
what is about to be said is not to be offensive in any why what so ever... if you find what I have to say offensive then stop reading because I really need to get all of this shit off my chest...
I came home early on Friday because I wanted to take a shower... it was one of those days... so when I got home I see john opening his door to come out of the room... he looks at me and ask why I’m home so early... I tell him what's going on and how right now I really don't feel like being at work... we talk for a bit and then I go into his room where Jen is jumping around like a jumping bean... we started talking and I found that she is still the same person that I like before... so I got the power to get up and out of the room and then I went to my room... Jen soon followed and we started talking some more... she was playing with the cats and all was good... I finally decided not to go back to work so I called them and told them that I go a flat... I was able to get that worked out with my manager and everything was all good... I continued to talk to Jen and I found that the more I talked to her the more I could connect with her on a lot of different levels... maybe it's because I act my shoe size sometimes but it was really cool... so she said she was going to sleep over next week and she advised that she was going to take over my room... at this point I thought it was funny because she's saying that she's kicking me out of my room... but what ever... I said she would have to fight me out and we start joking about that... that's where it stood until next week... next week comes around and john is telling me that she really likes me but she doesn't know what to do because she doesn't know if I like her... of course I tell him that she is my type because I really like the short, tough, tom boy kind of girls... so I’m not sure what john did with that info but he also told me that something might happen if she sleeps in my room... the very first thing that I think is "isn't she with Matt"?? I ask and am informed that they are not together because of what ever reason... as well the post on LJ kind of helps with what is already known...
so now it's Friday and I get invited to go to Denny’s by john... of course I was starving and wanted to eat so I take them up on the offer... we go to Denny’s and meet some new people who were really cool... of all the new there was also Scott, stef, Jen, matt, David, and David’s girl. I got there with john, Kim, and myself and Jen wanted me to sit in between her and stef… which I did… when I got there matt wanted me to go out side and look at his new truck… I did so and it was cool… I was happy for him because he got some wheels now… he has more freedom… go matt… then when I got back inside I sat where I was ordered to… soon after Matt is all over Jen like it’s going out of style… I don’t think much of it because I really don’t know what the fuck is going on any more… if Jen was still going out with him then by all means… so at that point I was just enjoying the night and my time with people… after the night was just about done we paid for our food and Jen was going home with john because he needed to drop her off at home… when she got to the car she seemed like she was really down… I don’t know what the hell she spoke to matt about at his car before we left but I was treating the whole thing as she needs to do what she needs to do… on the way home we told her how we felt about the issue and I was holding her close to me because she needed a hug… when we got her back to the apartment we chilled for awhile and then we went to my room… I gave one of my famous back massages and have a little fun but then we soon went to bed…
Saturday morning comes around and I wake up… all we all know how I like the mornings… so ya… but I still have to go to work … I really don’t want to be at work because this shit really sucks… so I had Jen call me around 6ish and tell them a bullshit story about my GM and then I went home early… we chilled most of the night and then we went to watch a movie… we went to see Silent hill which was really good… I liked it a lot… Jen on the other hand didn’t really like it to much because of the gore… after that I played DDR for the first time in ages but it was all good… I played my favorite song but on the last one I was so tired and my legs felt like Jell-O that I couldn’t even keep up… we went home after that and tried to relax… we went to bed …that’s about it for that day… there’s more detail to it but I don’t feel that I need to post… but I can say that it was a good night for me…
Sunday morning comes…0-) … so we finally get up around noon and see what we can do for the day… there’s not much but we ended up going to the racket ball court and play some games… Matt shows up to check up with Jen and he didn’t stay long… But he left when he I was playing my game with Freddy… I found out later that Jen didn’t really give him what he wanted so he got a little angry… but that’s his deal… so now it’s getting closer to the night time and Jen and I start to rough house… I really like it when we rough house because it’s fun… but that’s besides the point… it starts to get late and she needs to get home soon… we ended up taking her home and that was that…
I got home and started to chill a little with John on WoW but he was really tired… he ended up going to bed soon after… but Scott and Kim were both in my room… so I didn’t really go to sleep because I couldn’t, but it was all good… I learned the rules to macula (not sure of the spelling) and they didn’t part until around 4ish… but before they parted Kim comes to me with the phone and tells me it’s K. I took the call because I didn’t know what was going one… she asks me if I slept with Jen… I told her that I did and she said to me later that they way I said it was like “Why yes I did”… and that’s what made her very upset… so any whys we’re having a little fight over that and she starts to go off and belittle me…. I hang up on her…Scott didn’t want to go home yet so we chilled for a little longer we talked about random bullshit and it came to around 6am… after he left I started to surf the web just looking at random shit… I finally got around to reading the post around 6:45ish and found that K had posted to nasty shit about me that was mostly out of spite… so that kind of got me all up and angry… I called john and woke him up which I don’t normally do but I really needed someone to talk to… so he came to my room and read the post and what was damn that’s fucked up… then we saw that we couldn’t post a comment on it too… which really burned me up but what ever… john then checked my friends and matt posted… what he said was really fucked up… even though it wasn’t much it was enough to start a major shit storm… which in effect also pissed me off and we had a comment war on LJ about it…
Keep in mind now it’s Monday morning and I haven’t slept yet…. John and I pick up James to drop him off at work and what not… during this we’re trying to see if Jen is alright with all the shit that’s going on… after we drop James off and go home to relax for a little bit Jen texts john telling him that Matt told him that we had sex and who I was and how old I was… which he got wrong any whys but what ever… so we picked her up at school and got her to her house to pick up some cloth to bring over just in case… I still haven’t slept yet and I feel really edgy… so we get Jen back to our apartment and we just try to relax… we stay there for a little bit and then she has to go to work… so she does that and I keep in touch with her with texting… then stef calls and ask what we want form MikyD… she gets to the house and I’m making everyone read the post that’s still going on with Matt that totaled up to 17 hits so far… then Kiara comes in… surprised the hell out of me but she was civil which was really nice… it makes me happy to see her when she’s not mad… so she came to get something for her ear because she lost the one that was in it… she chilled for while and then everyone left my room… we talked for a bit and got things straight about what happen… she didn’t know everything that was going with this whole thing so I filled her in on it and she even agreed that it was really fucked up… she was hungry so I went with her to Taco bell and she got some food for herself… we went back to the apartment and chilled for a bit then Scott and them came back from the pool… I ended up almost passing out on my chair and then Jen call to find out where the nearest pizza place was… I wasn’t able to find it in time because they ended up finding one any whys… after I got off the phone Kiara ask me to lie down with her for a bit because she was a little tired as well… I didn’t see any harm in it so I lay down on my stomach and relaxed for awhile… about 15 minutes later we get up and go to johns’ room where everyone is… I lay down on the bed and was relaxing and Kiara sat on the couch… they ended up leaving around 8:30ish and I passed to fuck out… I didn’t even know I was sleeping until they came back and were talking about the movie… I slept for about 2 hours…
After I woke up K had to go so we said our good buys and then sometime around there I can’t really remember what happen… but I think John and Jen got back to the apartment and Jen and I chill for awhile and john went to the gym… we had to take Jen home and when we got back Kim and Scott got really fucked up from drinking… so John and I had to be the SAVIORS of the night… I helped Scott and John helped Kim… Long story short we got Kim back to the apartment and Scott went home with Stef sister… so when that was all taken care of I got back online and updated what I needed to and then went to bed around 5ish… I woke up on the floor between my bed and chair around 2ish… I had 3 missed calls and 2 text messages… I checked my messages and Domo called to remind me that we had the pot luck today… I had to make chicken chopped rice which I said I was going to do… I never made that before but it sounded easy… so I called Jen to see how she was doing and we talked while I cooked until had to really get into my food… ended my call there and then got ready for work while still cooking… I got to work and was starting to have a better day… until calibration…
We calibrated me today and I got an 86%… which to me is not good but it’s passing… The issue today with this shit was that I didn’t cancel a car that was already not used and past dated… but that’s not the major part of the problem… what really bothers me is every time we come to calibration, I’m teased because I have to fight everything… I fight everything because I don’t always understand the rule… if I don’t understand something I ask questions… so I’m always fighting of this shit and they always say that when I calibrate I we take forever… so they did me last today and again it was a fight… it really pissed me off because of the same shit… it’s something that I didn’t know and was never taught and from what I know from my experience on the phones I know that it would already be canceled it we did it from here or not… so now we come across something that I didn’t know and doesn’t really sound right to me… so I fight it to the bitter end… and it makes me really stressed because everyone is stress… I really can’t stand it…
So now I’m out of calibration and I’m really fucking stressed from everything and anything… I had to take an extended break and I went to my car and blasted the music… I got to the point where I was about 3 heart beats away from slamming my fist into my steering wheel… but then Jen called me… it really calmed me down and we were talking for a bit… after I hung up with her I started to think again and then had to go back to work… I wasn’t able to type right and everything that I tried to think just wouldn’t go… I was stressed more then I really wanted to at this time… so I started to write in LJ but work came around… so I started this thing around 7ish and I’m just now getting around to finishing it due to work and what not…
Lets see is there anything that I missed… oo ya… around 11ish my co-worker pulls out the rum and coke and we start taking shots and shooters… that made me relax a little more to where I could finish this…
Well Jen wanted me to call her when I left work… but haven’t left work yet so I can’t call her… and it’s like 2:13am now and she really needs her rest... I’ll send her a text and if she’s awake she can just call me… but she has school in the morning… well I’m off to home now… have cleaning and laundry to do…
That’s what happened over my week… so thank you for reading and welcoming me back to LJ in such a long time…
Talk to all you crack heads later…
Adam OUT!