(no subject)

Feb 14, 2006 13:04

So SETC is pretty soon.
Have monologue practically done; however, I have no song.
Any suggestions would be fabulous. :)
AP Statistics is turning out to be a whole new sort of hell.
I can't wait until July
I get my license
my car
yeah I'm just definately ready for that.
I've been getting in some much needed hours.
I'm really stressed lately.
We went to a second orthodontist and they seem to want to take a much more painful route so I think we're going with those high-tech braces haha, the ones Eddie is so opposed to.
Either way I have to get my wisdom teeth removed
and I've never had surgery before and I'm effin scared.
St Patricks day I'm getting together with Jess Nixon and Revoydia
and we're going to party, fo realz.
I've decided I'm generally opposed to Jay Z's upcoming album
at least if the rumors I've heard about it are true.
I'm really stressed
like all the time and I don't have time for much else
and then he was like you used to work out a lot more, why don't you work out as much?
and I'm like
hey please add some hours into the day and I'll get right on that, kthx.
I'll stay up those hours if he would let me but he's always squawking at me to go to bed.
My laptop is broken
I'm getting a new one supposedly in two weeks.
I need to go study for AP Statistics.
everything is so retarded nowadays..I'm irritated because the orthodontist sucks
because I have TMJ and opening and closing my jaw all crazylike hurts.
In chorus we're singing a song in 6 parts for festival
Mrs. J is stressing because we have to sightread in 4 parts (SSAA) but the Alto2s are the strongest section this semester
Stephanie, Elizabeth, AnneTaylor and I effin dominate
like for realz
there are a few other alto 2s, but we really make it happen
even though I think Anne Taylor Melissa and I are the only ones
who can hit that low eflat.
ohhh i love having that in my range
but its so quiet
and anytime i try to make it louder because we need more of that note
it's sharp.
and its not just once..its like several eigth notes in a row that are a low eflat.
bonacci respond to the above^

Okay, AP Stats studying fo realz.
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