Aug 23, 2004 15:00
i'd like to know how much i have changed. i would go back and read entries of my lj from a year ago but that would be way too depressing.
iguess i have no major issues, i only now question my sanity, my competence to actually be some ones nurse.
i dont know. i guess thats normal in the line that im doing..
who knows.
i still laugh at the same things, i am trying not to get moody but its so hard when your best friends in fuckign italy,he was like my mood controller and made me see sense although he didnt realise it,he was like the normality enforcer in my little world. now i have to do that for myself and it is hard.
so hard, i read germaine greer before bed,and giggle at her sarcasm,is that like normal?
i have been readign this contemplatin suicide book right,for a case study i have to do,i have to look up these issues for this patient and write about it, and it is such a fucking arrogantish peice of shit,it really really pisses me off to read it. iv never felt that way about a book before. strange.its liek this half assed sociological view of it and psycholgical and the person comes across as a complete and utter cunt.
yes i said cunt
i need a drink.
beckys going on the 6th,thats the dayof my moms graduation do. my oma and opa from ermany will be here for it,greeat.. they rearely come over here, i can think of possibly 3 times in the 19 years of my life that they have been here. walkenried has only really just got interesting now that i can take a friend and get drunk alot,otherwsie walkenried doesnt have alot for me,i think i may go to berlin for a day or so at christmas, that would be way cool.
no fucking websites are workign cos of the stupid weather and it would be the day i choose to come in to do work online wouldnt it?
thats why iv written so much,otherwise i wouldnt bother.
i cant stand reading back all my bitching anymore,its so pointless,i liek to get stuff off my chets but i try to keep a lid on it otherwise i forget the good stuff.
when i was working in the rehab unit, these people have had lives that you only read about in news paper, and it really sunk into me that all the pettiness and material things ( not that i do like material things ) mean absolutly nothing, maybe it comes across to people that i dont give a shit.its not that,its just i dont care about things that i used to.
welll. i want my ppphotooos. i would show you guys the one of me from last week but photobucket is being superly sloow.
my skin is so dry,my mouth sheds a whole new lip of skina n hour,it hurts,even with blistex piled on every minute. i think i need a mild eczema cream for it, cows.
also my sinuses kill and im going to take a sinutab in a mintue,even though they drive me insane,but atleast the pain will be gone,
last time, i got hyper,and i had to wear about 4 socks cos my temperate and blood pressure went funny,
i guess its a new experience,wait and see what happens this time eh.
see if becky notices any difference in my behaviour, could prove interesting.
ok..15 mins to go. la la la laal this is my stuff doo doo excuse me do do do do excuse me ..
( daria theme tune ) yes i guet t watch daira now i have soem time off, i love daria. she has a humour,that well. makes me giggle. on the inside.