Oct 09, 2011 10:53
Well, our Thanksgiving weekend hasn't turned out exactly as planned. Unfortunately, on Friday morning Finley woke up with a fever. And of course Friday is my volunteer day at the school, which I was looking forward to. Oh well, there's always next Friday! Anyway, we stayed home and watched a lot of TV and in the afternoon she seemed to be feeling a little better so we played outside for a bit in the glorious weather. We walked to school with the stroller so she could relax, because by then she was fading again and the fever had gotten hotter. Friday night Malinda was coming over for dinner, but I spent the night worrying about Fin and checking on her periodically. It was still nice to see Malinda though.
Saturday was beautiful again, but the fever was hot and so we stayed in for most of the morning/afternoon. I took Sophie and Chloe to get their hair cut while she was napping in the afternoon, and she cried when she woke because she wanted her hair cut too. :( The fever was up again last night, and still there when she woke up today, but I gave her some more advil and it seems to be gone now. I hope this is the last of it!! I am hoping to do something outside this afternoon since it is such a shame to be missing out on this amazing weather!! Tomorrow we are supposed to go to Mike and Sue's for a Thanksgiving dinner, but I think Mike is sick, so we will have to see if that works out. And who knows how Fin will even be by then! Good thing we decided to skip out on the extended family dinner, since we wouldn't have been able to go anyway! We can always do a dinner with Mike and Sue at a later date.
It is funny, my mom said it best when I was talking to her the other day; family is family, you don't need to worry about celebrating on an exact day, or doing it "right" because a specific day says you should. You can be with that family when you can and enjoy them when you can, not because it is a special day. I love my mom. She is so wise. It is so nice to not have her getting all bent out of shape because we aren't spending a certain day with her.