Sep 15, 2005 22:20
I look down the long, dark alley. Black. There are alley dumpsters. Large and green. There are metal trash cans with lids. I assume there are rats. The ground is wet. People are screaming. A screech made only by someone about to die. I hear the sound of fists hitting flesh and bones cracking. I rush my hands to my ears to cover the sound, but my ears have grown so large my hands simply fall inside them. A woman howls. A madman with red eyes looks up at me from the mess of a human being lying in front of him. The ground is not wet from the rain; it is covered with blood. My world starts spinning; I feel the wind in my hair, and I smell garbage and death. Two mothers lost their babies that day. I start to run as the wail of sirens fills the air. I pray I am running alone. A police cars buzzes past me towards that alley. But the red eyes are gone. In their place is simply a man. A man drowning in the blood that covers him and the three others on the ground.