Apr 17, 2007 23:52
dude, today was ridiculous.
but in a good way.
i'll elaborate more on that tomorrow.
as we speak my brothers putting a donut on my car...apparantly one of my tires had a bubble in the wall...and that's not good. so, temporarily, i'll have a donut...and hopefully a tire by tomorrow morning.
the two weeks of spring break at work are over.
we're only open sat and sun now.
it wasn't bad working...money is always nice.
but now i'll be working 23 hours in 2 days...which i'm not excited about because it's my WHOLE saturday, but i'll talk with the scheduling manager and see what i can do about that.
school's almost over.
thank god.
can't wait for summer.
sopranos sundays have been moved to mondays because of work schedules.
i enjoy family nights. =)
and...i need to go to sleep.
more tomorrow. I'M BEAT!