(no subject)

Oct 18, 2004 20:49

Here is Appereances

Outside appereances on all are different for each
from the way that someone looks
or even to the way they dress
they are judged just like a book cover
But how do you know what happens in the book
without reading the book front to back
When people judge others by the way they would picture it themselves
think of how you would be pictured
by the people surrounding you
how could you be so shallow to judge someone
without judging yourself first
And if you do judge yourself do you think so highly of yourself that you could
contradict others
and give yourself the right
to call others whores, wenches or sluts
Has our world deteriorated so much
that know the vilest of comments
are in our everyday language
explaining normal people on the streets
that are just like you and I
One person may look innocent
and in time become the spawn of satan
or the most gothic of people on the streets
could the first one in line for redemptions at the closest catholic church
and the first one to take their holy communion
All I can say is dont judge others if you dont want to be jugded yourself
and dont tell me that you want passer-bys on the street to go by saying their snide comments to you or behind your back
for to tell you the truth
that is one of the rudest things that you could do to mankind
For huminaty is leaving us
and our world is detriorating with it

This one is called Happiness

Happiness in this world is idealistic,
Many think that to be happy is to have love,
But arent the happiest people in the world are children,
How can that be,
they are loved
yet not sexually in the way adults think of love
They think of love as in
I love my best friend
not in as
will you have sex with me
in tenns today
their minds are warped and molded by advertisements
To be happy you need money and riches
for if you have that you can buy happiness
but in the real world that is not true
In the real world when some one tries to buy happiness
It back fires
like the three fold rule
whatever you do unto others
it comes back to you triple
If you are mean unto others
they shall be mean unto you
When many people make money they become arrogant and selfish
But whats the point for if you do that then people are arrogant back
Everyone wants world peace but how can we get that in a society that does not want it
If a society really wanted world peace then they would strive for it
not just let it be asked for
love si the key and if we do not go into the roles of the child
than how can we know the true meaning of love
What is love
that someone can write a definition for it
how do you feel love if it is not a clear path
A true person can give you love but dont you have to be true in return
If you are not true then how can you acheive the goal of love
It is not a sexual attraction
Youneed to know a personality and you need to know their mind
Then you can find the true meaning of love in a childs mind
it is not sexual attraction
it is not sex
it is what you feel when you find a new friend
when you would be able to die for some one right now
and on the spot be able to say i love you
with a innocent mind and heart
When you find this love that is how you achieve happiness
for you know you are not alone in the world
to fight that fight and to live your dreams

This is HAte

Have you ever felt a loathing hate
that you burn inside
When that person who loathes look at you
and you feel yourself burning to death and their black
eyes throw peircing daggers at you
that are colored with the color of your eyes
The hate that become inside people are made by your friends ad loved ones by mistakes sometimes
and then other are made to just start as a joke and turn bad or rotten
But then there others that are made by a deeper hate
some of this hate is by siblings and loved ones
when some think of that they say there is no sibling hat
but if you were ever a brother or sister you know there is
unless you are one of the blessed few who never fight
then the rest envy you
and that is how it starts
one thinks one is loved more than the other so a little ball of evil starts
and it grows
and grows
until it bursts and the bad times start to unwimd
until there is no more dry grass fo rthe fire to burn on
and there is no more positie or negative between you
just a black abyss of nothingness and no more can happen between you
and you go your seperate ways
but always inside you shall be a burnt and charred
part of your heart
for you can never recover and naver heal that wound

The Child

I see the clutter looming next to me
I the walls of books and assignments turn to piles twice my height standing next to me
yet in a childs eye
I see the mountains form
and I see the treacherous climbs to the adventures waiting aove me and wonder why I m stuck to the floor
when i could be soaring
living out my dreams high above the skies limit
and be seeing what no eye has seen before
I let my imagination take one to my mind and
as one
they take on the feats of the world
and take over what used to be and turn it into what may become
And as my mind flaots down to the ground
cold and decieving to the skies
the transformation begins
my eyes mutate from the wonderous glowing childs
to the dull and nonexistant of an adult
I sit and the cold seeps through me into my bones and into my skin
this coldness takes over my body and shivers begin to amount in my body
the shadows loom over me not of mountains
but of books and of assignments that have not been finished
the assignments of life call out my name
and they say that you cannot be a child for all your life
you cannot let out your dreams to others
for you would be ridiculed and spit upon
for an adult is not an adult
but a child stuck in a grown body fighting to be free
and one again with the creatures of the mind
yet the society of today does not let that child be free
and the resposibilty that is pushed upon be ourselves weighs us to the bottom of the ocean
and the only way to swim back to the blissful air of life andsweetness
is to be yourself and tune into the inner sould that you have hid inside


A tragedy in life,
is different for all,
but no matter what that tragedy may be,
It brings people and their sorrows together,
How can such great tragedy bring a nation together,
when it is suppose to be so strong and upright,
Its a bit idiotic to think a mass murder shall bring a city to life,
even though a life has been taken,
no matter from the left hand of god,
or by a creature of earth,
We, as human nature makes us,
shall bond with the one who has made it through life,
the one who lives may be depressed beyond recognition,
but cant they see the silver lining,
Every cloud has a line with a good and bad part,
the storm comes and destroys
while the rainbow brings joy and happiness,
but dont you need one to make the other,
Those who make it on this earth should not waste away,
for even though it is good to mourn,
to bring your existence to that death,
shall make you death itself,
so if this may change your mind,
the silver lining to death is this,
When the big day comes,
and you are taken to the life after death
the ones you loved and missed dearly
shall be waiting there with open arms to embrace you
and though your death awaits you every minute of your life
just think of this
why should I waste away
when there is so much to do in so little time
why should I die when some one has already in my place,
the death is easy and simplistic
It is the life after that we await
and hold to our hearts in anticipation

All by Alceste Laurenti
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