Mar 26, 2006 19:07
I've had enough...I'm seriously sick of this. Iously sick of this. I'm sick of picking myself up and jumping back iously sick of this. I'm sick of picking myself up and jumping back into the game only to fall on my face and tread onously sick of this. I'm sick of picking myself up and jumping back into the game only to fall on my face and be tread on. ously sick of this. I'm sick of picking myself up and jumping back into the game only to fall on my face and be tread on. I'm just giving up on men all together.....if you want me you have to ask me. Sorry but I'm done, and seriously thinking of taking a look at the otherside of the spectrum. -sighs- My friend tori and I had a long discussion about we'll see what happens, but from here on in I...G.I.V.E...U.P! If you want me you'll have to approach me because I'm out.
i don't give a shit anymore,
there's no point to it anyway