Apr 29, 2008 15:01
I've imposed on myself an extended period of boytox (boy detox, geddit, geddit?!). Well, mainly Ashtox I guess:
-Deleted Ashley's number from my phone and SIM, and have placed it in the official custody of one Robert McDougall until my emotions are settled enough to use it sensibly.
-Deleted all the texts he has ever sent me, some of which I have kept in my Saved Messages since 2005, so I won't constantly dwell on them as I usually do.
So I'm feeling really quite proud of myself at the moment. This is a big thing for me.
I'm sick of being the one who fights for our friendship, and fights to maintain contact, and fights to remain in his life. If he doesn't want me in it, whatever. I'm sick of being the girl who puts her heart on the table and lets it get hurt over and over again. I'm sick of making excuses for his mistakes and shortcomings. Things are going to change for me. It's about time I was the chased rather than the chaser.
And then I just switched my iPod on to "Shuffle Songs", and the first one to come up was "Clarity" by John Mayer. An omen, perhaps?