(no subject)

Aug 26, 2004 19:36

i really haven't the slightest idea whether i was dreaming or seriously drugged or what, but this morning at around 11am i was sleeping nice and peacefully(well for the most part anyway), and suddenly this frank sinatra/ratpack music started blaring really loudly completely out of nowhere, and i practically jumped through the roof. i usually leave the window open at night because it brings a really nice cool breeze that keeps the room at least marginally survivable and wind is always good, and from what i could tell it was coming from the neighbors. i really don't mind the neighbors at all despite the fact that they completely hate me, but it almost seems like it wasn't them, because the music would suddenly turn on REALLY loudly and then turn off again, and then turn on again really softly and fade in and out. i'm not even sure if it was frank sinatra to be specific, but it sounded like the kind of music that plays in old looney toons when the characters are chasing each other around and things like that and it was just completely bizarre. it kept going on and on for a half an hour until finally i got up to shut my window, and when i did it immediately stopped, which is strange because my windows aren't soundproof at all, and as loud as it was, it would have probably gone through at least a little. maybe our house is haunted.
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