(no subject)

Apr 13, 2005 15:50

for someone with so much history -- so rich in your own ideas that you were immiediately ready to run away at the soonest possible moment that you could, i have never seen someone that could possibly make worse decisions than you have in your life. "it won't happen again, don't worry." but it does, it does. and in spite of my lack of authority, i sit here living in this pile of shit waiting for the day when you finally stop running away in your mind to a thousand different places and look over your shoulder to the endless circles you've been walking -- and all the people lying in your path, livid and wasted in the smoke. your father looks on, sitting so quietly in his box, heaving in his ashes among the tapestries. does it intimidate you? does it scare you?

and if you were the outlaw, she was the eccentric social. she sunk back into the corners of the house, damaged and calculating. lost in her own world, she spread her words so far and wide with utmost contmpt and evasiveness that the powerlines would shudder as she spoke. when you ran away, you probably noticed her on the street corner, passing out brochures for her latest lunatic street prophecy.. her hair tangled and yellow; sour hay. "give not thy strength unto Him nor your ways to that which destroy queens." people would gather in awe, mezmorized.

years fold back and retreat, and we're packing our bags.
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