Jun 07, 2005 13:43
well today i have rehersal woo hoo! well ok so yesterday at pictures i was talking to kelley to find out the whole story and well then i heard that i guess its all over who chose who..... aka leslie well leslie is a FUCKING SLUT and i hate her i mean come one who goes to a friends house and has sex on a god damn toilet seat get real lets all get gonarria (have no idea if i spelt that right!lol) and keagan i dont hate or dislike or an i mad at you the only reason i didnt stop and talk to you yesterday was in fact that i was in fear of leslie's life so i just kept my distance! i do LOVE you! now back to leslie i really dont like her and i really hope she dies! honestly her bull shit yesterday while coraberating stories with kelley and amber ( i lovey ou both) we found that supposedly leslie was raped by her uncle her cousin her father and some other guy now thats amusing be/c unless her family decided to gang bang her then thats really not possible! and i think its quite wrong of her to not be considerate that if her family were to find out that she said this to ppl and im not talking a few select ppl im talking she just blurts it out to everyone and thier effin mother! how it migh make them feel i mean come one get over yourself if you need sex so bad that you have to tell guys that you cant get prego b/c of being raped then go stand on fuckin nebraska im sure theres some room for you there! honestly i find it mildly amusing o and by the way have you ever heard of washing you're hair b/c yesterday kelley and i definately noticed the GREASE from like 10 feet away and i didnt even have my glasses on and if you know me then you know that that was a shit load of grease then! well to all those that i love! xoxo MUAH and thow i hate FUCK YOU! lol god that makes me laugh i hope that this was a fun for everyone else as it was me!
oh by the way leslie sweetheart what you think is a monroe on youre face looks like a fuckin out of control zit! its way to low did you see the photograoher yesterday yea thats what a monroe should look like!
oh and keagan watch your back b/c leslie is soon to put a knife in it!