My weekend: heart broken, I puked, I cried (no pooping.)

Nov 07, 2007 11:07

Friday night Chelsea and I went to the Bare Hands art gallery hosted Dia de los Muertes festival. Parade of the dead, beautiful art, music and beer... We enjoyed it and plan to go back next year with as many friends as we can wrangle in tow.

Saturday we went to coldsnack's apartment for the Alabama LSU game. The pain factor afterwords was a 10/10 on the "heartbreaking sports experiences" scale.

Sunday I went to bed at 4 in the afternoon trying to sleep off a migraine. The nap failed to do away with the bugger, and in between vomiting violently and begging my wife to put a bullet in my brain, I somehow managed to coherently request Chelsea get me an Immitrex from the medicine cabinet. She came back with a glass of water and a pill, which I downed and tried to go back to bed.

She came back 15 minutes later with another glass of water and a pill and told me I needed to take my Immitrex. I thought she must assume I had thrown the first one up, and corrected her. "No honey... I haven't tossed again since I took it. Its still in there."

A brief pause on her part, then the confession: "I didn't know about the doses for your Immitrex, so I went to webMD to look it up. I wasn't sure how to spell it so I grabbed the box. I typed 'I'...'M'...'O'..."


"Oh no"

"Yeah. I accidentally gave you an imodium. At least you won't have the squirts! Now here is your migraine medicine."

Fluids exiting my body on Sunday found a one way street for evacuation.

I have been hounding my father for details of our Thanksgiving trip to Arkansas to visit my grandparents. He came back from his visit with them this past weekend with hand written notes from my Grandfather outlining each and every planned event for the long weekend. Chelsea and I had asked for the itinerary because we wanted to pay our own way and save Gma and Gpa any burden. The Grandparents responded with a firm "no, this is our last hurrah with you all and we insist on it being our treat." They are both dealing with various stages and complications from cancer, and to hear "this is our last hurrah with you" sent me into a tailspin of emo. I took a minute to have a melt down on Chelsea's shoulder during the flood of emotions, cried a little and tried to wrap my head around it.
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