Barak Obama is tired of your mother fucking shit! (Unemploymenr Rant)

Apr 28, 2009 21:29

My roommate was fired or "lost her job" as a shoe buyer and is currently unemployed. She just sits around the house with all of her friends over and doesn't seem to care about her working roommates.

In the state of NY you get 425 dollars a week in unemployment for up to 33 weeks after your severance. That's 1300 a month for doing nothing.

There are people out there who welcome this unemployment, treating it as some sort of paid vacation they earned with no regard to where this money comes from or what this money could be used for in a global sense. Wow and i thought working at AIG was bad.

Blaming the economy, freemasons, jews, whites, blacks, illegal immigrants is great but there's actually plenty of work out there that people just don't want to do.

My roommate would rather collect unemployment than look for a job or worst she won't consider lowering herself to a manual labor job.

Morality (without the religious counterpart) should not allow you to get too complacent if you think we're all in this together. Maybe she doesn't know she's taking 3rd world relief or infastructure or whatever because maybe she hasn't ever thought about it?

It's with that in mind that i've applied to a series of manual labor jobs and classes because i'm going to succeed where my roommate has failed. I will not be out worked, and i will make this world a better place through doing the things i say i do, like doing the work i'm suppose to and making things more efficient.
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