Sep 27, 2007 03:42
i think procastination is the cause of my stress LOL
ive been delaying the things that need to be done but i dont really wanna do
but i cant escape the deadlines, so.
quiz tomorrow (today actually), missed 2 classes from 3, no textbooks. LOL
3 assignments due next week, lots of calculation, same thing no textbooks. bigger LOL
mid term in 2 weeks, havent been listening in class much, cos its boring and instead of listening, i was catching up on other courses. another LOL
but i dont wanna do them.. i dont find them useful..
i wont even use it in the future. well, its still very much related to what im gonna do
but im not gonna specialize in that kind of finance..
only fundamental of investment interests me for now. cos thats what i wanna do. so that is the only textbook i have, and the one ive been reading lol
maybe i just need a constant motivator. like my secretary, my organizer, my best friend, my love. the one who can bring me out in me.